Chapter 4

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Jungkook's pov
I was now heading to my room when I heard sounds coming from the front door.

I already knew this was a bad sign.I saw 5 men getting into the house and now heading to


I quickly went to Jin hyung's room since it was right next to me at that time.

"JIN HYUNG GET EVERYONE DOWNSTAIRS EMERGENCY"I whispered screamed and Jin hyung got up as quick as possible.

I run downstairs only to find the guys taking Y/n's body away.

I kicked one as hard as I could and he fell into the ground within few seconds.

I tried harder but it was difficult.

Seriously taek wondo didnt really help me.

Thank god the other guys came to help me.

After a long time of fighting they finally gave up.

"Who are you guys and what do you want from us?"Namjoon hyung asked in a serious tone.

"W-we dont want anything  we were sent to take this girl away"

I scoffed and made them leave without hesitation.

Tch guess people really do things just for money.

"Iseul can you take Y/N to my room?"

-Time skip-

I suddenly woke up when I felt something moving.Oh Y/N woke up.

I saw her slowly opening her eyes trying to understand where she is.

She turned her head and saw me.How cute.

"J-Jungkook?What am I doing here?"

"Some guys tried to take you away but I was fast enough to save you"I blinked.

Wait did she just blush?Cuteee

"U-um Thank you I'll go to my room now"

Ahhh Y/N what are you doing to me?

Y/N's pov
Why did I have to blush?Ugh I'm sure that he is going to tease me now.

But why was he acting differently now?

I should stop thinking about him.I'm going to the city tomorrow with the girls and finally meeting Min joon.


I woke up ready to go downstairs when I heard some yells from next door.

Yeri's room.

I know I shouldn't listen to this conversation but ugh yeah.

"Yeri how can you cheat on me?I did everything for you I gave you anything you wanted"I heard Hoseok say.

I gasped.

Before I could listen more to this I heard footsteps so I quickly just went downstairs.

Why did Yeri cheat on Hoseok?He is such a ball of sunshine.

"Thank you Jin for cooking these snacks.We'll come back early.Bye Yoongi"

"But shouldn't I come with you?What if someone hurts you?"

Now I know that Yoongi and Iseul are meant to be haha.

Iseul took my hand and we now headed to the front door.

"Where are you guys goinggg?Can we go with youu"Jimin started to make those puppy eyes.

"We are going to the city so this drama queen right here can meet her boyfriend"I saw Iseul eye roll.


"Is Yeri coming?" "No she said she has to do stu-"Iseul was cut off when Jimin and Tae started to scream.

"Jin hyung can we go with themm pleaseeeeeeee?"

"Yeah sure you maknaes can go.,Namjoon,Hoseok,Yoongi and I are going to do the work"

"Thank you hyungg"

"So Jimin,Tae,Jungkook,Y/N and I are going to the city?That is better at least I'll have some company.

I can't believe we are letting Taehyung drive.

The worst thing is that I'm sitting between Jungkook and Jimin.

Imagine how Min Joon is going to react seeing me like this.

Thank god the city isn't far away from us.It started to get uncofortable.

Especially Jungkook kept sifting closer to me.

We stopped in front of the school.

"Jungkook go stay with her.Taehyung,Jimin and I are going around the city.Let's meet at the station.Here is some money you guys can spend.Take care of her byee"I heard Iseul say from behind.

Iseul I'm going to kill you.

"Min Joon!"I screamed.

Then I realized there was another girl holding his hand.

I got pissed.

Today is going to be an adventure.

I have no ideas for new chapters lol.

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