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It was the end of the school day and I couldn't wait to get out. Yeah I make straight A's, captain of the cheerleading squad, got a filthy rich mom, have it all. But that didn't mean anything, school wasn't for me and I knew it. I'm smart academically, but also logically. Street smart, know anything about any drug, how to handle it, where you could get it. I could get someone killed within a second if I wanted. I get that from my dad, but I won't get into that now.

I know your wondering how a girl like me could be street smart, right? How I could know where to get drugs from? Ha, well it just so happens that answer happens to be me. It just kind of... came naturally. I run the streets of Beverly Hills, night and day. I have people who do my work for me, but at the end of the day I'm the boss. I'm my own boss. I've been running this business since I was 14, freshman year. My mom doesn't know about my secret life, and neither does any of my siblings. As far as I know, my dad doesn't either.

**** Three hours later ****

I walked into the abandon building where all the business went down. I had two duffle bags full of about $40,000 of profits from just today. I walked in, and my two guys Twizzy and Zee had someone tied up. I put the bags on the tables and walked over and put on some gloves and sat in the chair opposite to the guy.

"This is Mikey, He owes you money boss. He's $5,000 short Alex," Zee said, filling up the gun with three bullets. "This should take him out."

"Wait one second Zee," I said taking out a bag of Dorritos, eating them slowly taking in each crunch. "Do you know who I am Mickey?" I got up from the chair and walked around.

"It's Mikey-"

I threw a knife at the wall before he could say anything else. It landed right in the middle of the dart board; dead center. "I don't think I cared to ask what your name is. To be honest, I asked you one question, that you yet didn't answer. I shouldn't have to repeat myself."

"I don't... I just work for people I got introduced into this.." He said with an unsteady tone. He was shaking, and sweating, panting under his breath. "Who are you? One of their girlfriends? There's no girls in this business." He chuckled to himself as his laugh echoed through the dark room. Zee and Twizzy stood on each side of him, waiting for my orders.

"Point 'em." I said. They raised their guns to both sides of his head. He was screaming and shouting, and still shaky in the voice. I walked over to him slowly and sat back down, crunching on my Dorritos. I smirked at him as he begged for mercy. "I'm your boss sweetheart." I laughed out loud, in my arrogant laugh I did best. "I'm no ones girlfriend. I run everything, I run all that goes down under this roof, I run everyone that works from under this roof," I leaned in closer, with my nose touching against his. "Now that we know each other on a personal level, lets make something clear."

Leaning back, sharpening my Dorritos bag to a point, and pouring the crumbs into my mouth, "Wheres my money Mickey, Mikey. Whatever your name is. Quite frankly I don't care."

"I'm short because I owed someone else money." He said scared in a low tone. "Please don't kill me, I can get you your money."

"See," I crunched the bag up throwing it in the trash. "You couldv'e just asked me for the money you owed. We couldv'e worked something out. But the fact that you lied to me." I said grabbing the knife out of the dartboard. I held it and eyed it, running my finger along the sharp edges.

"I won't lie anymore, I can get you your money! I promise I swear on my soul!" He pleaded and screamed.

"It was due five days ago," I took a gun out from my bra, pointed it to his head, glocked it back and shot him. The room was full of his screams one minute, to complete silence in the next.

It was just another day behind the scenes of the good life in Beverly Hills, the bloopers all directors excluded from the movies. Just another normal night for the top drug lord, but I was best known as the Drug Princess of Beverly Hills. Welcome to the bloopers of the Hills, street royalty style.

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