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It was at the foot of the stairs leading up to the fifth floor that you crossed paths with Bakugo. He was getting out of his room when he saw you in the corner of his eyes. You were coming down from the floor above and he immediately knew you came from Todoroki's room.

"Oh, hey." You greeted casually, waving a hand at him. Bakugo must be living in the 4th floor. You didn't knew that. You then continued downstairs after absorbing the information. Footsteps began following you and you just assumed that Bakugo was on his way down too. You were not one for small talks so you just kept descending without saying another word.

Bakugo was already pissed to begin with the fact that you were emerging from Todoroki's floor. And you're not even being subtle about it. But the thing that he was livid about was that you were ignoring him when you clearly knew better than to do that sort of thing.

Reaching the ground floor, you made a turn to the kitchen area but a hand had grabbed your wrist and started dragging you to the huge double doors of the building. It was Bakugo. "Hey, what the fuck!"

You were a few steps down the front steps of the building when you broke free of Bakugo's grip. You were mad, all right. Good thing there weren't any people at the common room to witness you getting drag out of the dorm. "I'm not a rag doll you get to lug around—I'm not Midoriya." You inspected the wrist Bakugo took, frowning at the reddening of it. That was one tight grip. "If you wanted to talk, just ask like a normal fucking person."

He was in over his head to even acknowledge that Midoriya comment. "Guess I don't have to ask what you were doing in Todoroki's room, do I?"

"What?" But you had already read everything from the way his face was all scrunched up. "What the hell is your problem?"

"No! What's your problem?" Bakugo took one big stride to get all up in your face. To let you see how furious he was up close just in case you still didn't pick up on it. "I don't know who you think you are but you don't get to fuck around and think you can get away with—"

You punched him. You connected your fist straight to his nose. Bakugo has always been a tough guy to handle, that's basically his reputation, but you liked to think you can level with him. You'd even dare to say you keep him in check. But Bakugo yelling in your face, veins popped and voice strained, you were scared for a moment. And so your fist acted on their own. It was the only way you can think of to calm him down.

When your fist parted from his face, blood trickled down his nose. He was stunned to say the least. A drop of red hit his hand.

You muttered a curse under your breath before taking Bakugo's hand and leading him to a bench at the side of the dorm. You pushed him down to sit, and then knelt in front of him. He made a move to tilt his head back but got smacked in the leg by you. "Don't do that, you idiot." You took his hands away from his nose. "Lean forward. Breathe through your nose."

"What the fuck did you do that for?" He coughed as a bit of blood run down his throat.

You sounded solemn when you answered. "I got scared. I'm sorry."

Bakugo was taken aback from how small your voice sounded. That wasn't like you. The you that he knew was feisty and snarky. He must've been terrifying enough to reduce you to this subservient person all of a sudden. "Look, no, I'm so—"

"Shut up for a minute. Wait until the bleeding stop."

Bakugo watched as blood dripped into the grass below him, silence settling in between the two of you. When a considerable amount of minutes passed, Bakugo felt a hand reach for his forehead to hold his head up. You were looking intently at him.

"I think it's stopped now," The blood's drying out the sides of his nostrils and on his upper lip. "Let's go inside. I'll clean you up."

He knew better than to fight. Bakugo let you lead him inside the dorm and to the kitchen. The building was quiet—no one was loitering around the common room.

You fetched a towel from the rack by the side of the sink and put it under the running tap. You motioned for Bakugo closer with the wet towel. "Come here. Tilt your head up."

No one was uttering a word between the two of you. He wanted to apologize while you wanted this to be  over and done with. He was truly sorry while you were guilty and embarrassed.

Bakugo was the the first to break the silence. "I'm sorry." He took the towel from your hand. "Did you think I would lay a hand on you? Because I would never—"

"You're goddamn right I was scared. You know, you," She jabbed a finger at his chest. "Have anger management issues."

"You think I don't know that?"

"I don't like seeing you like that. I hate it." You don't particularly like getting yelled at in the face. You sighed, frustrated. "I should've stopped this from the beginning. God, what was I thinking—"

Bakugo's jaw was clenching again. "Don't say that."

You groaned. "Look! You're getting worked up again." At that moment, you decided on something. You've been thinking about it ever since Bakugo brought up Todoroki back in the classroom, just by his reaction then. "Let's take a break, Bakugo."

He was quick on his response. "No."

"What do you mean 'no'?"

He closed the remaining distance between the two of you and connected your lips with his. You didn't turn away so he deepened the kiss, taking you by the waist. You were being pushed against the sink. Bakugo pulled away for a second to say, "To hell with taking a break."

Breaking the kiss was always a task for you. The sex between you was great and all, there's no disputing that, but kissing was your favorite part. You get to taste all of him that way. And so you kissed him back for a while, just enough to imprint the taste of him in your mouth to get you by for a time being. Because you had to do it. Gently wrapping a hand around Bakugo's throat, you pushed him away. "We need this. You need this."

No, you're the one who needs it. He doesn't even know why he's trying. You just want me gone. Being discarded isn't something Bakugo had experienced before. It stung like hell. His arms slackened at his sides. You were still holding him and for some reason your skin in contact with his burned. Fuck, this is too much. He wanted to run away.

You were only answered with silence and you felt bad as you watched his crestfallen expression. You didn't know Bakugo could make that face. And now you're the bad guy. "Hey, say something."

"I get it." He let out a dry laugh. "Consider me out of your hair from now."

Then he was slipping away from you. You stopped yourself from pulling him back. This is what you wanted, right? Bakugo's only stressing you out at this point. It'll just be one less headache. And so you let him walk away without another word. You then got started with the main purpose on why you went down to the kitchen in the first place. Todoroki must be starving upstairs.

Bakugo was waiting to explode once you were out of sight and earshot. Rounding up to the common room, he bumped into someone. He was about to snap at whoever it was when he realized it was Todoroki. Bakugo wondered if he heard everything in the kitchen. But then again, he doesn't care. This guy was the reason things started going south with you and him. At least, Bakugo liked to think so.

"Get out of the way, you half-half." He purposely bumped into his shoulder and headed for the stairs.

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