One Wish

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Wooyoung handed the phone back to San and turned to face him. He noticed San staring at him, and quickly looked away.

"Well, I guess it's my turn to ask you a question now." said Wooyoung nervously.

"Go for it!" said San. "I'll answer anything you throw at me."

Wooyoung thought for a minute. There were so many things he wanted to ask the blonde boy. He wanted to know everything there was to know about him.

After taking a few moments to decide on a question, Wooyoung faced San again and quietly asked "If you could have one wish come true, what would you wish for?"

San immediately began blushing, and Wooyoung was terrified he had done something wrong. He started to speak up and apologize, but San interrupted him.

"It's embarassing, but you were honest with me so I'm going to be honest with you. I love to sing and dance, and I think performing on stage and having the opportunity to share my love of music with others would be the best thing in the world. I would probably wish for the opportunity to become an Idol."

San hid his face behind a large Shiba Inu plushie out of embarassment. Wooyoung reached out and took San's hand.

"I think that's a wonderful wish, and I know if I weren't already an Idol I would wish for the same thing. I also love sharing music with others, so I know exactly where you're coming from."

San looked at Wooyoung and smiled. He was amazed by how sweet and caring the Idol was; He had never expected him to be so considerate and supportive.

"San, will you sing for me?" Wooyoung asked.

"Not fair, it's my turn anyways!" shouted San, dropping Wooyoung's hand and placing his hands on his hips. Wooyoung laughed, and gestured for San to go ahead and ask a question.

"If you could have one wish, what would you wish for?" asked San.

"Hey, that's cheating! You're not supposed to ask the same question that I just asked." exclaimed Wooyoung, a look of frustration appearing on his face.

San put down the Shiba Inu plushie and leaned towards Wooyoung, whispering in his ear. "But I really want to know..."

Wooyoung felt San's breath on his neck, and a warm tingly feeling spread throughout his body. He was so close to the boy now that Wooyoung could smell him, and his scent was an intoxicating mix of cinnamon and sandalwood. He was so distracted he couldn't even remember the question.

"Wait, what did you ask again?" Wooyoung said breathlessly.

San looked him directly in the eyes, their foreheads nearly touching. "What is your one wish?" he repeated.

Wooyoung's eyes drifted from the boy's gorgeous blonde hair to his stunning brown eyes, and finally to his perfectly pouted lips. "If I could have any wish granted right now, I would wish for you to kiss me." he said quietly.

"Your wish is my command." said San, leaning in slowly to close the distance between them until their lips met.

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