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As soon as San's lips met his, Wooyoung felt a shiver run down his spine. He reached up and ran his hands through San's hair, drawing him closer and pressing his body into San's desperately. It had been so long since he felt this attracted to somebody....so long since he had let his guard down. He NEEDED this release. He needed the beautiful boy with the blonde hair in ways he had never needed anyone before. He began to lose all awareness of time, and let himself get lost in San's kisses.

That is....until there was a knock at the door. San jumped up to go answer the door, but Wooyoung grabbed his wrist and tried to pull him back down onto the bed.

"It could be someone important!" pleaded San. Wooyoung let go, sighing in frustration.

While San answered the door, Wooyoung took the opportunity to glance around San's hotel room. He saw a large poster of himself underneath the plushies on the table, which made him blush even more than he already was.

"Wooyoung, it's for you!" San squeaked, and then ran back into the room.

Wooyoung got up and went to the door, pausing on the way to glance at San, who had a very strange expression on his face. When he got to the door he realized why San was acting so strangely, and chuckled quietly to himself.

"Mingi, Yunho, how did you find me?!" Wooyoung asked.

"We got worried when you didn't show up for lunch, so we asked the hotel manager to follow you on the cameras from the fansign to figure out where you went." replied Mingi.

"Anyways," interrupted Yunho, "That's not what's important. Who is the blonde and WHY are you in his hotel room? And WHY are your cheeks so red?!"

Wooyoung turned around to look at San, and gently asked "Do you mind if my friends come in?"

San smiled and shook his head, but still didn't seem able to speak. Wooyoung took that as San's way of saying he didn't mind, and gestured for Mingi and Yunho to come in.

"Mingi, Yunho, this is San. We met in the elevator, and he was helping me through some things. He is very sweet, but I think you're both making him a little nervous." Wooyoung chuckled.

San bowed deeply. "It's so nice to meet....."

"None of that formal stuff." said Mingi. "If you're a friend of Wooyoung's, you're a friend of ours. No need to bow, we're just normal guys after all..."

"Oh.....okay." said San, blushing even more brightly than Wooyoung.

"We were actually playing a game, if you'd like to join us." said Wooyoung. "We were taking turns asking each other questions, just to get to know each other better."

"That sounds fun," said Yunho, "...but I think we should make it a little more interesting. How about truth or dare?"

San looked like he was going to faint. Wooyoung chuckled again. "I think that's a GREAT idea, don't you Sannie?"

"Oh fuck. What the hell have I gotten myself into?" thought San. "Sure, that sounds like it could be fun!" he replied.

San quickly cleared the things off of the 2nd bed, which Yunho and Mingi quickly claimed as theirs. After a quick round of Rock, Paper, Scissors it was decided that Wooyoung would start the game.

Wooyoung fixed his eyes on Mingi and asked "truth or dare?"

"Truth," replied Mingi, looking a little nervous.

"Do you have feelings for someone who is here for K-Con this weekend?" asked Wooyoung.

"Yes," grumbled Mingi, who looked about ready to kill Wooyoung. "My turn."

"Truth or Dare San?" asked Mingi.

"T...tr....truth." stuttered San, too nervous to even look Mingi in the eyes.

"What was your first kiss like?" asked Mingi.

"Shit." thought San, looking up and meeting Wooyoung's eyes. "It was....unexpected, but incredible." he replied, hoping he wasn't giving too much away.

Wooyoung couldn't stop staring at San. "Was I?.....no....it couldn't be...." he thought to himself.

"I guess it's my turn now. Truth or dare Yunho?" said San.

"Dare. I like a challenge." replied Yunho.

"Okay," said San, "I dare you to find someone to kiss in the next 5 minutes."

Yunho thought about it for a minute, and then replied "Well that's easy!" He turned to look at Mingi, before planting a big kiss on Mingi's lips. Mingi turned bright red, and fell over on the bed, hiding his face under a pillow. San couldn't help but notice that both Yunho and Wooyoung were smiling.

"Okay Wooyoung, your turn. Truth or dare?" asked Yunho.

"Dare." replied Wooyoung, without any hesitation. He was staring directly at San, who felt himself shiver again under Wooyoung's gaze.

"I dare you to film a BTS dance cover video and post it on YouTube right now."

Wooyoung groaned. "You guys know I get embarassed easily....can't someone else be in the video with me?"

"Okay," replied Yunho. "San can do it with you."

Wooyoung glanced over at San, who was trying to avoid everyone's gaze. "Please San. You were just talking about how much you love to dance, and I saw your Army Bomb so I know you love BTS. Do it for me!"

San looked up at Wooyoung. He wanted to say no, but Wooyoung's face was just so precious and he knew he had no choice but to give in. "Fine, but I'm picking the song."

"Deal." agreed Wooyoung.

San took out his phone, opened Spotify, found his favorite BTS song, and hit play. The room was filled with the sound of Fake Love by BTS.

San glanced up at Wooyoung, whose face had gone bright red again. "If I'm going to give in and dance with you, I'm atleast going to pick a song that will allow me to enjoy it." he thought.

"I'm SO not ready for this..." thought Wooyoung.

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