Fake Love

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As soon as San started playing Fake Love on his phone, Wooyoung got up and started dancing. It was obvious he already knew the choreography, which wasn't really a surprised since Wooyoung loved BTS so much.

"What are you doing San, get in there and join him!" shouted Yunho.

San stood up hesitantly and handed his phone to Mingi, who had just sat up to watch. "Would you mind starting the song over....and recording us?" San asked him.

"We should find another place to film this....this room is too small." said Mingi. "Let's go onto the roof. There was a nice terrace up there with plenty of space."

"Okay," agreed the rest of the boys, heading towards the door.


Once they reached the terrace, Wooyoung and San got into position. San glanced back at Wooyoung, who winked at him and then shouted "Okay, whenever you're ready!" to Mingi.

The song started playing. San let himself get lost in the music, which drowned out all of the other sounds around him. It was just him, Wooyoung, and the music.

He couldn't stop staring at the younger boy. The way he bit his lip while dancing...the way he brushed his hair back with his hand...there was just something so sexy about Wooyoung. All San could think about was how much he wanted to touch the other boy...how much he wanted to be with him. He could feel Wooyoung's eyes on him, and he hoped that his dancing was impressive enough. He really wanted Jung Wooyoung to remember him.


"Okay, whenever you're ready!" shouted Wooyoung.

Mingi started recording as soon as the music started. It was instantly obvious that this was more than just some dance cover. The sexual tension between the two boys was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

Mingi glanced over at Yunho, who was staring wide eyed at the 2 boys with his hand over his mouth. Mingi loved how the light reflected off Yunho's gorgeous skin. He looked like an angel. He hoped that someday Yunho would dance with him the way San was dancing with Wooyoung. He wished that Yunho would look at him the way Wooyoung was staring at San. Mostly, he just wished Yunho would notice him at all...


"Okay, whenever you're ready!" shouted Wooyoung. He saw Mingi start recording, and then turned all of his attention to San.

Wooyoung couldn't keep his eyes off San. The blonde boy kept lifting his shirt up, and Wooyoung got several good looks at his abs. He could feel something stirring inside of himself. He wanted to be with San in that moment more than he had ever wanted anything or anyone before in his life.

The longer they danced, the closer they got, until their faces were almost touching. Wooyoung nearly lost his composure and reached for San, but then he remembered that Mingi was recording the video for the dare, and that this would be going on social media. He fought the urge to reach out for San...and barely managed to keep his hands to himself.

When the song ended and it was obvious that Mingi had finished recording, Wooyoung looked up at San, who was blushing deeply. "That was perfect. You did such an amazing job Sannie. I can see why you'd like to be an Idol. You DEFINITELY have the talent for it!"

Yunho gasped and shouted "Wait, what?! You want to be an Idol? Can you sing? You can obviously dance. OMG you should try out for KQ! We were looking for an 8th member and you'd...."

"Shut it, Yunho!" shouted someone on the other side of the terrace. San saw a small boy with red hair walking over, and immediately hid behind Wooyoung. He knew it was Hongjoong immediately. "You KNOW that is supposed to be a secret!" Hongjoong sighed.

"I don't know your name, but please don't hide from me!" Hongjoong said sweetly as San peeked out from behind Wooyoung's back.

"Hyung, this is San" explained Wooyoung. "We met earlier today, and he's been helping me through some stuff. Yunho just got excited because San wants to be an Idol."

"Well, why don't you guys post that Fake Love video you just made online then! I'm sure when it goes Viral one of the entertainment companies will snatch him up. You both did an incredible job!" Hongjoong saw San's blush and smiled.

"I posted it as soon as I was done recording, and it's already got 30,000 views!!" shouted Mingi.

"Holy shit," said San quietly.

Wooyoung looked at San and noticed he seemed a little off, so he turned to give him a hug. That's when San fainted. Wooyoung barely caught him before he hit the ground.


If you've read this far, thank you! If you haven't seen San and Wooyoung perform Fake Love, you NEED to and you should go watch it....

I still have more ideas for where this story will go, but if you have any suggestions please let me know! Thanks :)

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