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THE COMMONER GIRL SAW THE prince watching her from above, his sneer very much present during her dance. How typical.

Evelyne only brushes her yellow hair back and continues to smile, singing with the children and helping the elderly with their daily tasks. It is true she has a soft spot in the hearts of everyone here in Pentos— all but one, that is.

Contrary to what a good amount of the Pentoshi people believe, her kindness is not a mask, not something she wears for her own benefit. Evelyne has a heart of gold, something not easily found. Innocence made a home in her soul from childhood, arguably perhaps since she was a babe in her mother's belly. Since a young girl, Evelyne dreamed of nothing but peace and love to conquer the land. Utterly aware of her impossible dream, Evelyne knows while evil and greed plague the minds of men, there will never be complete tranquility in any kingdom. Even here in Pentos, where art and music are highly valued, money is still a sign of power, and many will do whatever it takes to be the highest bidder.  However, this would never taint her visions. Each day, Evelyne would venture into the populated city and spread smiles to whomever needs it.

There is one she has yet to make smile.

She knows who Viserys Targaryen is; it would be a crime not to. Most do no pay nearly as much attention to him or his little sister Daenerys, but Evelyne, in meeting people from all backgrounds and status, has learned and listened. Of course, there are details that contradict each other and there is no telling if the rumors are true, but stories are all Evelyne has to go on.

Once, not too long ago, Evelyne was escorting a young girl back to her home. The poor girl became lost in the city when her mother sent her out for bread. It was in Evelyne's nature to help those in need, and perhaps this was indeed fate. While letting the small child ride on her shoulders, singing and prancing through the streets, there was another following them.

Right as Evelyne wished good merry to the poor family, a long haired girl approached, her silvery locks unmistakable.

"M'lady," Evelyne curtsied, though far from graceful.

Daenerys Targaryen smiled softly. "Please, you have no need to bow. You have done far more for this city than I ever could."

Evelyne blushed, not used to receiving outright praise from someone of a noble status. She tried her best to ignore classes and the societal ranking of her peers, but to be confronted peacefully by one who's family rode dragons and sat upon a throne for generations was something that simply never happened. "Thank you, m'lady. You are far too kind."

The princess's plump lips rose into a wider smile, the innocence and sweetness of the young girl very, very noticeable. "Perhaps you can show me around? I do not get a chance to explore all that often."

It wasn't long until Daenerys, with her hooked arm entwined with a new-found friend, began leading the way. Evelyne was familiar with the streets in the ancient city, though the rugged and lose cobblestones began to pave way to delicately placed bricks and mansions that stood far too high for Evelyne's liking. She never found herself entirely welcome among highborns. And yet, the youngest remaining Targaryen child saw no shame in bringing a smallfolk⁠— a penniless entertainer, at that⁠— into the rich part of the city.

Acknowledgment was all Evelyne thought she would have received from Daenerys. Not a formal invitation to dinner. Shocked could not begin to describe her feelings. But, without hesitation, Evelyne graciously took the offer and even allowed Daenerys to bathe her with fancy oils and soaps. As young girls do, they took turns in braiding each other's hair, adorning the plaits with flowers from the garden. For the first time in a very long time, Evelyne was able to call someone a friend.

However, the moments approaching dinner were not as enjoyable.

Dany brought Evelyne to a sitting room and introduced her to Magister Illyrio, who recognized her immediately. A beautiful flower he called her, something not surprising. After all, she had been called a dainty flower her entire life. Dany insisted on letting Evelyne stay for a while, and, like always, Evelyne was not about to argue. She was, in truth, having a marvelous time entertaining the young girl and the man who kindly let her stay. The magister was laughing at a joke Evelyne made while the words seemingly flew over Dany's innocent head. Still, she laughed along.

It was then that the should-be king turned a corner.

"I will not have some dirty witch tarnishing my reputation, let alone this home." Viserys sent a narrow glare to the yellow-haired woman who hid her broken spirit with an intense stare.

"Viserys! Stop it!" Daenerys cried, eyes swimming with tears from anger and embarrassment. "Evelyne is my friend! She is welcome here!"

"Targaryens do not befriend peasants, especially one of this like."

This was when Evelyne finally noticed something odd about the prince: he never smiled. Never grinned, never laughed, never appeared to have the slightest bit of joy in his mind. On occasion Evelyne would catch him smirking, though she had a gut feeling it wasn't for good reasons. As far as she was aware, Evelyne never had the blessing of witnessing a content Viserys. She hated it. Not for selfish reasons. No, she would never force her optimism on anyone. Rather, she wished the true king of Westeros would behave the way he ought to. His brother was known for a swooning smile, a beautiful face girls would kill to look upon. Truthfully, Evelyne was willing to bet anything that he could be a loved king, and she had no doubt any noble lady would be honored to be sent a smile.

There must be something keeping his face in a permanent scowl.

And Evelyne is determined to find out.

Evelyne glances back up at the prince, catching herself mid-fall. Like before, his narrow eyes are set upon her figure. For the first time in weeks, her deep greens clash with brilliant mauve. A color tinges his pale cheeks at the contact. As quick as a flap of a dragon's wing, Viserys darts his eyes elsewhere then turns away, his body gone in a moment.

Feeling a small smirk meet her lips, Evelyne carries on, an obvious jolt of electricity adding more to her movements and her voice.

Oh, how determined she is.

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