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ARMS OF ANCIENT TREES HAVE made their way through the cottage windows. They had claimed this home as theirs before Evelyne came into the world and because of this, her home is shared. Ghosts of the woods and spirits of ancient winds pass through the open air, the sensation easing Evelyne's thoughts. At least, she hopes they would.

The golden-haired woman seats herself in a comfy chair. The cushion, though old and has lost the rich crimson color, is still beautiful. Evelyne's fingers twirl in the white string embellishments along the seam.

For several months, Magister Illyrio has welcomed Evelyne into his home as the entertainment for parties. She does what she loves and gets paid for it. Over on the table is a purple sack, hardly shut completely with coin spilling over the edge. She'll have to get a bigger bag for her earnings, she notes as she remembers her presence was requested for later that night. Truthfully, Evelyne did not want to take the money, at least not as much as she was given. She doesn't know what to do with it all, even after spending a small amount of food and giving coins to the small children. Sometimes, she heads into the market to buy Daenerys a little trinket or utensils to carve a toy. And still, there is always so much left over, enough to buy a lovely home among people like her employer.

Part of her believes that her payments are a bribery, encouraging her to enter the high society that the Magister and his guests share. After all, she's a talented and beautiful young girl. They probably wish she could be easily found in a mansion, not a small, close-to-caved-in cottage out in the woods. It doesn't fit with the talents the gods bestowed upon her.

Regardless, Evelyne finds copious amounts of joy in the events she attends. She is doing what she loves and for payment, after all. But, sometimes Evelyne finds herself thinking that the royals will eventually find her routines boring, the same songs and dances all too predictable. This upset her greatly. Not that she may become another forgotten talent, but that she actually began to care what they thought of her. Evelyne always cared for others before herself and the people who always loved her were not the one with gems in their hair or expensive gowns. People like her care for each other.

Of course, this fact is very obvious at every event she finds herself at.

The eldest Targaryen still refuses to speak to Evelyne. He would watch her dance and listen to her songs, but he had not once done anything more in the time of her employment. At first, Evelyne wanted to believe she could change the dragon, insisting on sending him longing glances and to brush by him more than anyone else at the parties. Many times before had she been able to turn a brood into a heart full of hope, so surely Viserys Targaryen would not be too hard.

Oh, how wrong she had been.

Evelyne lets out a frustrated sigh, her thoughts now effecting her physical form has a headache begins to form. Viserys, with his armor as tough as dragon scales, had not budged from his stoicness, resorting to catty comments on her performances to other guests as if she did not stand in hearing distance. The criticism did not effect Evelyne all that much, but some deeper voice within her begged to scream at Viserys. Not just for his rude cold shoulder, but for the others who have been hurt by his vile treatment. Eventually, Evelyne came to the conclusion that Viserys is a lost cause, that there was no love in his heart, nor room for anything but battle plans and the lust for an iron throne.

The end goal for Viserys is the throne of Westeros, this much she knew for certain. Only sometimes does she ponder what would happen if he earned the throne: would he be a good king? How will he change Westeros, or even Esos? What will happen to Daenerys?

Would will happen to herself?

Given the closeness between Daenerys and Evelyne, the wood witch assumes the dragoness will persuade her brother to bring her along. However, Evelyne knows the sea and the cities beyond her home would bring her fright. Despite the love Evelyne has for Daenerys, she would no doubt stay behind, but excited to see her little dragon grow into a promising queen.

The thought of loneliness strikes a pang in her gut, causing Evelyne to stop dressing. The blonde sits down on her bed, the feathered mattress all tattered and worn, but still offering a sense of comfort. Though, a bed could only do so much.

Evelyne never had issues surviving on her own before, but thoughts about returning to isolation creates a wave of unease that would not cease. To be forgotten is something Evelyne did not fear, nor has she ever, but the girl has become so close in the lives of the Targaryen siblings, and they to hers.

What if they forgot her? Never to come visit again after sailing the Narrow Sea?

Replacement also grips her tight. With Evelyne gone, Daenerys will have to learn to brace the world from Viserys's vision, or through the eyes of another who would take her place in Daenerys's memories. And while the Targaryen siblings are off ruling and conquering, Evelyne shall have nothing more but to waste away, alone with nothing but the ghosts of the past and voices in the wind to keep her company.

Evelyne does not want to be alone, ever. And with this thought, she begins to cry.

this chapter was a hot messbuuut it's fine

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this chapter was a hot mess
buuut it's fine. i guess.
please vote and comment!! love you!!

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