Day 53 - Messages

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(Please read bottom when done!)

Kaycee's phone:

Tatiana McQuay

Kaycee: Hey

Tati: What's up Kaycee!
Tati: Something must have happened if you're texting me

Kaycee: Nothing happened

Tati: You sure?
Tati: Because I'm like... 7th on your go-to text list
Tati: Maybe 11th?

Kaycee: Fine something happened

Tati: Spill the tea

Kaycee: Okay but just don't spread it

Tati: Girl you know I love drama
Tati: Meaning it's better if it's kept contained

Kaycee: So Tahani just told Bailey she likes Josh and Bailey is not good with it

Tati: 🥵🔥♨☕
Tati: You always knew I liked my tea hot

Kaycee: Tati

Tati: Right sorry
Tati: I see the issue so you can't get between your two best friends, what about Char?

Kaycee: She was there when it happened
Kaycee: She's just waiting for it to cool down

Tati: She likes Iced tea I see

Kaycee: Tati

Tati: Right, what about the guys?

Kaycee: If I tell Sean or Julian that'll eventually get to Josh which is not ideal

Tati: What is going on between you and the lewser?

Kaycee: Tati

Tati: Sorry! But you don't give me updates and I'm curious
Tati: Look there are a few things you have to do

Kaycee: Okay shoot

Tati: See if Tahani really likes Josh, it could just be a crush that formed because of that hangout they had the other day
Tati: Find out what Bailey's feelings for Josh are, even on the outside looking in it's confusing if she likes him still or not
Tati: Someone has to talk to Josh as this could be bad for the other if he likes one and not the other or even someone else entirely

Kaycee: Wow, that's a lot

Tati: If you want, I can talk to Josh and Tahani while you focus on Bailey

Kaycee: Really?

Tati: Yeah that's what friends do

Kaycee: Yeah...
Kaycee: Wanna hang out tomorrow?
Kaycee: This love triangle makes me want to hang out with someone new/uninvolved

Tati: Thought you would never ask

Changed contact name to Tati

My bronk sister

Kaycee: Bailey!

Bailey: Ms. Roice!

Kaycee: Alright tell me straight up what are your feelings for Josh?

Bailey: Wow

Kaycee: And while you're at it might as well tell me your feelings for Kenny as well

Bailey: Kenny feels like a boyfriend and Josh feels like a best friend

Kaycee: So you like Kenny

Bailey: Thats not what I meant
Bailey: I guess I should have been clearer
Bailey: With Kenny he's very romantic and sweet and treats me like a princess
Bailey: Whereas with Josh he's very fun, and funny and treats me like a partner

Kaycee: Ideally you would want to merge them making Kenny more fun or Josh more romantic

Bailey: Sure but it's not like Kenny doesn't have his fun moments and Josh didn't have a sweet side

Kaycee: I see
Kaycee: So it's about what you value more then

Bailey: You're so lucky Sean fills both for you

Kaycee: Shh 🤫

Bailey: Kaycee you do know I'm one of the few who do know you and Sean are boyfriend and girlfriend?

Kaycee: I know but I'm not ready for it to be public

Bailey: Hasnt it been a month?

Kaycee: Not about me right now it's about you

Bailey: We will talk about that later though

Kaycee:  You can work on what each guy lacks with a conversation with the boy you pick
Kaycee: But based off what you experienced now and ignoring that Kenny lied and Josh not being fully open
Kaycee: Who do you like?

Bailey: ...

(So I never really decided on the whole Baiken/Baijosh thing)

(I first just did the love triangle as a means to set up Seaycee and get the other characters (Julian Tahani and Charlize) something to do but I never thought of a conclusion for it)

(So this will probably be the only time I do this but who do you want Bailey Sok to be with?)

(Kenneth San Jose or Josh Price?)

(You can vote based on your outside knowledge of BaiKen and BaiJosh or what you've read so far in this story or a mix of both I really don't care)

(Oh and don't worry about Tahani I just used her as a way to get to this point so don't think if you choose one it automatically dictates what happens with Tahani)

(I know y'all came for Seaycee but it's a process as I try to figure things out)


Give Kenny a second chance


Give Josh a real chance

(Have fun 🙃)

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