Day 61 - Messages

336 11 3

Kaycee's phone:

Shamu ❤️

Sean: Hey Kayc can we talk?

Kaycee: Of course duh

Sean: Am I your boyfriend?

Kaycee: Yeah you're my bf

Sean: Am I your boyfriend not just best friend

Kaycee: What's wrong?

Sean: It's just
Sean: I asked you to be my girlfriend about a month ago and you said yes and you just didn't want to be public about it which I respected
Sean: But can we at least tell our friends? Josh and Bailey already know

Kaycee: Sorry I just don't feel comfortable with them knowing yet

Sean: Julian Tahani and Charlize legitimately have a group chat about whether we're together or not

Kaycee: Yeah I peeped it when we were all talking about Bailey Josh and Kenneth
Kaycee: Happy that's finally resolved btw
Kaycee: Is that all? I guess I don't mind telling Tahani and them as long as they can be silent like Bailey and Josh have been

Sean: Not just that
Sean: I guess it just doesn't feel like we're boyfriend and girlfriend

Kaycee: But we've been on dates?

Sean: But dating is more than just hanging out Kaycee
Sean: What's the difference between what we're doing and what you and Julian do or me and Tahani?

Kaycee: We like each other
Kaycee: That's the difference

Sean: Yeah but that's more than just saying I like you

Kaycee: Then what is it?
Kaycee: What do you want from me Sean?

Sean: Kiss me

Kaycee: Sean?!

Sean: It's been over a month and we haven't had a first kiss...
Sean: Even Bailey and Josh had one when they were fake dating

Kaycee: That's because they liked each other!
Kaycee: Oh...

Sean: Look I know I'm your first boyfriend and all this stuff is new to you
Sean: But I don't know it's nice to know if you care

Kaycee: Of course I care!

Sean: I mean in a more than friends way
Sean: When I asked you out I didn't want just an excuse to hang out with you more
Sean: I like you and wanted to be with you and I thought you felt the same
Sean: But if we're just going to be best friends then I'll just look elsewhere for a girlfriend

Kaycee: Sean stop you're sounding crazy
Kaycee: I like you!
Kaycee: I'm sorry I haven't been the best girlfriend to you apparently but I'm just not comfortable enough to do that... Kinda stuff... yet...

Sean: Then what were you expecting when I asked you out?

Kaycee: IDK I've always heard to marry your best friend so I thought going out with mine would be fine

Sean: That's only a part of the relationship
Sean: You already covered the friend part of a girlfriend I just want you to fulfill the girl part
Sean: I know that made no sense but you know what I mean

Kaycee: Sean I...

Sean: Look if you can't do it then you can't do it I'm not forcing you to do something you're not comfortable with
Sean: Because if it comes down to it you'll still be my best friend
Sean: Okay?

Kaycee: Did you just break up with me!

Sean: No.
Sean: Just we need some time until you realize what you want

Kaycee: Sean don't do that

Sean: It's fine we get to hang out with our other friends more
Sean: And who knows maybe there's a guy that's okay with the kind of relationship you want
Sean: Maybe a girl right for me

Kaycee: I can tell you're mad at me
Kaycee: Fine
Kaycee: I'll text you back when I know if I can give you the type of relationship you want

Sean: Fine by me

Kaycee: But Sean
Kaycee: You already gave me the relationship I always wanted

Sean read

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