Day 93 - Messages

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Sean's Phone:

The Bros

Sean: Josh when are you coming to get your girl?

Josh: lol Is she bothering you?

Julian: If anything she's the third wheel and should be annoyed at you and Kaycee

Sean: Bailey's always getting in between us
Sean: I can't even sit next to Kaycee at the movies because she sits between us

Josh: What movie did you see?

Sean: It was this mystery movie that was actually really interesting and- Who cares?!

Josh: I don't see the problem
Josh: If anything she gets between you two so you won't forget about her

Sean: Whatever man

Julian: It can't be that bad

Sean: It feels that bad

Josh: Look I'm gone, Char is out of town, Tahani's busy, Julian is who knows where

Julian: True

Josh: I just know I would rather have Bailey with you two than hanging with Kenny

Sean: Fine I see your point
Sean: I'll get over it or used to it or whatever I need to do until you get back

Josh: Cool

Julian: But for real what movie did you see I need recommendations?

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