You'll Be The Death of Yourself Before You'll Be The Death of Me

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Y'all sorry the cover doesn't have title and author my phone is currently out of sorts and after deleting 2 apps and 107 pics I still don't have enough space to download a damned cover maker so yea.

Hope you like the stories tho.

*Draco Malfoy is once again surprised by Harry Potter who isn't who he thought he was at all, but rather an adorable mess of a human, with a concerning tendency to land himself in the hospital.*


"You are a hazard to society, Potter", Draco complained half heartedly as he helped Harry gather all the papers he had managed to spill on the floor.

He fought to hide his smile.

"You know I always forget about that damned doorstep", the brunet mumbled sheepishly in response.

Draco masked his smile with a smirk.

"We've been assigned this office three months ago, idiot."

"But do we need a doorstep? Does it have any purpose other than making me trip every time I walk in and out the door?"

Draco masked his chuckle with a cough.

"You should see the stares I get every time I trip out into the hallway. I look like an idiot."

You look cute. But of course Draco couldn't just out and say that, so he just settled for:

"And that's nobody's fault but yours."

If it wasn't for the playful smirk on his face as he huffed indignantly, Draco could have thought Harry was offended. Of course that wasn't the case. A lovely thing about the brunet that Draco has come to learn in the time they've been partners was that he took to light banter and sarcastic teasing quite happily. Which was a trait Draco highly appreciated in people.

And that was just one of the things the blond found he was quite fond of when it comes to Harry Potter. Sure, he has known the git for 11 years, but all he ever saw, much like the rest of the world, was The Harry Potter that society presented. The only difference between him and the rest of the world was that he didn't like what he saw. Until he realized none of it was even close to reality.

Harry Potter wasn't an attention seeker who loved the fame he did nothing to obtain. He wasn't some collected hero, or some superhuman people seemed to see him as these days. Sure, when in the field he had his head in it and did a splendid job every time (he was also very hot when concentrating and being serious, but Draco didn't notice, of course not), but behind the closed door of their office, the talented Auror and the saviour of the wizarding world became the most adorable idiot. Tripping on his own two feet (and the damned doorstep), always misplacing his things, cutting himself while using scissors like a five year old, spilling coffee on himself (Draco has taken to bringing an extra shirt to work so his 22 year old -read: 3 year old- partner wouldn't have to walk around with coffee stains on him) and many more incidents as such.

And Draco fucking loved it.

Like, right now, for example, as he helped Harry from the floor for the thousandth time, the man beamed at him and said:

"I managed not to spill the coffee, though."

And handed Draco the coffee he had brought.

"Now that's an accomplishment", Draco muttered with a smile as he took the cup from him.

"So how's that report coming together?" Harry asked while he settled at his desk.

"Better than yours, I bet."

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