Time In a Bottle

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Woah spoke about time a little and almost went philosophical on y'all sorry. I literally have a long ass paragraph I cut out bc it was just me rambling, rlly.


"If I could save time in a bottle
The first thing that I'd like to do
Is to save everyday
'Till eternity passes away
And to spend them with you"

People say time is relative. Others that it doesn't even exist, that it is something we made up for the sole reason that we need an anchor to hold on to when faced with the frightening thing that is the universe and just the act of being. Being here, there, now, then. Relative, all of it, they say.

But Draco knew time. Knew what it meant. Knew he had a limited amount of it to kill Dumbledore or be killed himself along with his parents. Knew how much time a sectumsempra took to heal, knew how long it took him to pass out from cruciatus. And now he knew how much longer he had with Harry. And it wasn't long. Because Eight Year was nearing its end and so was their little fling. Because Harry Potter had a broad and bright future ahead of him and he would forget all affairs in the name of excitement and living, because youth didn't last forever. And he would move on from Hogwarts and the war and Draco. All in just two short weeks. How's that for relativity, thought Draco bitterly.

Him and Potter had started a sort of thing after Christmas holidays that they both spent at Hogwarts. Maybe it was the utter misery of both their lives as they stared at each other from across the mostly empty hall that brought them together, or maybe plain boredom on the Gryffindor's part, it didn't matter. All that mattered was that Draco, despite telling himself over and over again that there was nothing serious, was in over his head. He was way past getting out now.

They kissed and cuddled in front of the fire and went on dates to Hogsmeade and fucked until they passed out and Harry was just passing time, but Draco was falling in love. He couldn't believe his stupidity. He was a Slytherin for fuck's sake, self preservation and all that and yet here he was, knowing damn well he would do anything should Harry ask it of him, because he was in love. Such a foolish and unnecessary thing.

He often thought of how life was going to be without Harry when he was so used to his warmth, his arms on his waist, his slow breaths as they drifted off to sleep. Everything that kept him safe and sane would be ripped away from him. Only two weeks.

He knew he would pull through, would push it in the back of his mind and carry on with his dull life, because not being able to live without a person was stupid. The thing was he didn't want to live without Harry, yet he would have to get used to doing just that.

He sometimes wondered if fate had a break planned for him ever.

"What's wrong?" a deep, rich voice whispered in his ear as Harry nuzzled his nose in the crook of Draco's neck. "You look troubled", he stated, worry evident in his voice. Draco wondered how it was possible to fake fondness in such a way, but then he was reminded of the fact that he could have done so quite easily two years prior.


The feeble attempt at a lie didn't escape Harry's notice, as he frowned slightly and watched Draco intently, awaiting a different, more honest answer.

"Just stressed out for N.E.W.Ts is all", Draco supplied.

It was obvious the brunet didn't believe him, but thankfully decided to drop it.

"Let's go for a fly. You know it always helps calm you down, hm?" Harry asked and rubbed the nape of his boyfriend's neck affectionately. Draco hated how he melted into the touch.

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