Meeting the Parents?

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*Harry wants all his favourite people to accept each other, but doesn't bother to tell his boyfriend who the residents of 12, Grimmauld Place are.*

"And who, if I may ask, are you going to introduce me to, exactly?" Draco asked, a brow raised high in suspicion. "I mean, don't get me wrong, but the whole meeting the parents idea is based on having parents. And I seriously doubt that you would want me to meet those muggle bastards. Unless, of course, you are prepared to explain why your boyfriend just murdered your last living relatives", he concluded with a playful smile that Harry knew better than to be fooled by.

He had to quite literally restrain Draco from storming into Dumbledore's office and demand to be taken to Privet Drive to kick some ass when he had first found out about Harry's childhood with his aunt and uncle.

"Uh- well, you'll see", Harry answered, looking desperately for a distraction, hoping for a change of topic.

There were precisely two reasons why he didn't want to tell Draco who they were going to visit on the Christmas holiday. First one was, quite obviously, that he was nowhere near sure his boyfriend wouldn't just tell him to piss off and wouldn't accept to go after all. And the second one, well, that was the Slytherin bit in Harry that just had to see the undoubtedly priceless look on Draco's face when they'd arrive.

"Why won't you just tell me?"

"I don't want to."

"Then I'm not going!"

"Draco, don't be a dick! You know this is important to me."

"You could just tell me who are these people that I have never heard of that you call your family and I'll go without another comment. Simple as that", Draco stated rather nonchalantly while crossing his legs in a defying gesture.

"First of all, we leave in two days. The train ride to King's Cross lasts a whole day, so that makes three. Don't you even think of telling me that you will not complain about Merlin knows what for three whole days. Second of all, you will most likely fuck off to the manor without a second thought if I told you."

Draco raised his eyebrow once again and regarded the brunet with a sarcastic, questioning look.

"And this is your way of convincing me? By telling me I wouldn't want to go if I knew more?"

"Ugh! you're so fucking infuriating!"

Draco just shrugged and returned to his book, but not before adding a casual:

"You know me, I like to be difficult."

Harry heaved a deep sigh and plopped down on the couch in the Room of Requirement, a considerable distance away from his boyfriend, who now looked at him in amusement.

"What, are you ignoring me now?"

"No. It just so feels like if you're within arm reach right now, I might castrate you."

"We both know you would be suffering the loss more than me", Draco retorted with a playful smirk.

When Harry didn't answer with a most usual and expected comment, Draco knew to take it seriously at once.

"Look, Harry", he sighed as he put his book down and scooted closer. "Don't think I'm not taking this seriously, or that I don't know how much it matters to you. I know you treasure family and friends above anything else and I know if these people you're talking about are so important to you, you'll want us to accept each other. But you have to understand this is not easy for me either. We haven't been dating for that long and it's still hard for me to accept that Weasley and Granger know about us so how do you expect me to trust some people I don't even know the names of?"

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