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Again, overused. I actually didn't plan on publishing it, but I like how it turned out so I guess it'll have to do.


*Harry speaks before he thinks, as usual, and for the first time, that might just be a good thing for him.*

Harry rounded the corner in a hurry and, as he was nearing the potions classroom, the unmistakable smell only got stronger.

What the hell? he muttered as he opened the door, still panting slightly.

God, it was even worse inside.

"Potter!" Snape wasn't late to scowl. "Late, are we? Take ten points from Gryffindor to remember the bell rings for a reason."

Harry could not complain about this one. He had it coming.

"Now go to your seat."

As he advanced inside the classroom, the smell finally became too much to bare and he turned around, an annoyed look on his face as he spoke:

"Malfoy, what in the world did you do? Did you fucking bathe in that cologne of yours?"

All movement suddenly stopped and the sound of a book hitting the floor was the only thing heard before the classroom sank in a deathly silence.

Harry had expected Malfoy to sneer and bite back immediately, or at least dismiss him with an original insult or maybe a simple fuck you, but he got none of that. Instead, Malfoy stared at him wide eyed, mouth hanging open, apparently at a loss for words. Harry hesitantly cast a look around and was even more confused to see that everyone, and I do mean everyone, including Snape, was staring at him with the same astounded expression Draco wore. What the hell did he say?

"Harry", he heard Hermione's timid voice from somewhere on his left. He turned to look at her and his stomach churned in horror at the sympathy and pity in her eyes. "This is Amortentia", she gestured to the steaming cauldron in front of her. "It smells like what attracts you most."

It was now Harry's turn to stare in shock. Had that just happened? Was he really that stupid? I mean, sure, his mouth did have this nasty habit of working faster than his brain, but there was just no way he would be this unlucky, now, was there?

"Huh", he finally muttered, not daring to look at Draco. "Well this is embarrassing", he concluded while willing his cheeks not to turn pink.

Trying to ignore the staring contest the whole class seemed to be having with him, he sat down between Ron and Hermione and did not say another word for the rest of the lesson, simultaneously cursing his damn traitorous heart for beating so damn loud because of the fucking smell that lingered still in the air.

He was furious and so done with the fucking pranks the universe kept pulling on him. It was just unbelievable. How was it that he was always dragged in the middle of situations he would give a leg to avoid? Though right now, he was pretty sure he would much rather be fighting the Basilisk or the Hungarian Horntail with a butter knife than be stuck in that room for another second.

When the bell rang, he was the first one to stand up and leave the classroom, ignoring Ron and Hermione's calls.

Get away. As far away as possible.

He had a free period next and he knew for a fact the Slytherins had Charms which meant they had no time to spare to mock him if they wanted to be on time. It was a bit reassuring, though he knew there was no escaping the public humiliation that was sure to come at lunch. Or maybe Draco would prefer to hex him until he wouldn't manage to stand and then not talk to him for the rest of his life. That was a possibility, too.

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