Friends My Ass

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*Draco thinks people are stupid and oblivious. He's stupid and oblivious as well, but most of all he's jealous."

Friends. Pft. That stupid word.

Were he and Potter friends? Most people would say they were. Draco? Draco thinks it's stupid. Friends. Can you believe it? With the amount of time they spent together, they were practically married and people dared call them friends?

They meet every morning for breakfast and coffee at their favourite cafe. No matter how busy the day, they almost always make time for lunch, usually italian. And then on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays Draco goes to Harry's straight from work because, yes, he does have a drawer of his own there and Harry does the same on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Sometimes when Harry is in a bad mood at lunch, Draco makes sure to finish his potions early that day, cooks dinner for two and has a good movie and a hot bath ready for Harry when he comes back home. That never fails to make him feel better. And when Draco feels down, Harry makes reservations at a fancy restaurant and lets Draco order the most expensive wine on the menu.

They have tea with Narcissa on Saturdays and go to lunch at the Weasleys' on Sundays. They have Teddy over on Fridays till Saturdays and those are the days Draco usually sleeps over at Harry's, which are the brunet's secret favourite days. Do they sleep in the same bed? Of course they do. The couch is way to uncomfortable, Draco says every Friday as he crawls in bed next to Harry. They always go to sleep in the same position, backs to each other and a decent amount of space between them and they always wake up, limbs tangled together and faces inches apart. And despite waking up pretty early, none of them moves or opens his eyes, both enjoying the moments they barely knew they craved.

That until Teddy would come bursting through the door, demanding pancakes. Then, Harry would groggily answer with the usual just five more minutes, Ted, which was when Draco took it upon himself to push the lazy prick out of bed and remind him that Teddy wasn't the only one who wanted pancakes in that house. Harry would always laugh and shake his head, then ruffle Draco's hair before going to the kitchen.

They acted like a happily married couple, though they never talked about each other as boyfriends, nor did they kiss or do anything of the sort. And it was driving them and everyone around crazy. People were growing tired of seeing them dancing around each other and the question what the hell is going on with those two rose more often as time passed.

Truth be told, both were children of war, both with difficult childhoods, from different reasons, both having suffered a great deal. Insecure was the word that described them both and their relationship in relation. They found each other, got so close, and reached a comfort zone they were afraid to break, no matter how they craved each other's touch.

When Harry introduced Draco he always said This is Draco and nothing more. No label, no nothing. Draco did the same. People usually put two plus two together after merely five minutes spent with the two together and understood that the both of them were off limits if you didn't want problems with the other.

That's why Draco was now effectively heating the entire ball room with his boiling anger as that no name bint of a witch was openly and shamelessly flirting with Harry. His Harry. The nerve on her.

He watched in disgust as she kept touching his arm every now and then, seemingly oblivious or just uncaring to the way he recoiled slightly. And the way she batted her ridiculously long eyelashes as if trying to get something out of her eye was just pathetic. Nonetheless, Draco was bothered. Way beyond that, actually. He wanted to strut up to the pair of them and humiliate the woman like he knew best with sarcastic remarks and biting critiques, and then grab Harry's arse, just for good measure.

The woman wasn't even that pretty. She had long, flowing golden hair and eyes as black as coal, though Draco thought they looked like those of a demon. And that hair, Merlin, it could have been beautiful had it been taken care of and not left to look like a worn down broom. She was thin, maybe a bit to the extreme, and wore a long, golden dress, shamelessly showing her back and with a cut on the side that came up almost to her hip.

Okay maybe she was beautiful, but she didn't come close to Draco's standard, no. Well, his standard was pretty much Harry and nothing else. What he hoped, though, was for her not to come close to Harry's either.

"Mr. Malfoy, are you listening?"

Draco looked with surprise at the ministry official he'd been talking to, almost forgetting he was there and babbling on about Merlin knows what.

"Yes, of course. Do continue, please", he politely ushered, hoping to heavens above for that conversation to be over soon.

Now, he tried. He really did try to focus on what the bloke had to say, but when he caught a glimpse of the cow leaning dangerously close to Harry's ear and whisper something no doubt having no correlation to the gala whatsoever, all he saw was red.

He stepped away from the man whose name he had never bothered to remember and made his way towards an uncomfortable looking Harry, one thought and one thought alone on his mind. That man was his. His, and no one elses. And if he hadn't made it clear enough already, well, he damn well will do so now, right in front of the bitch who thought high enough of herself to snatch his man away from him.

"I would say I'm sorry for interrupting", he drawled, successfully catching the woman's attention. "But that was actually my exact purpose. Can you not see he's not interested?" he asked coldly, resisting the urge to wrap an arm around the man who visibly relaxed at the sight of him.

"And you know that how, exactly?" the woman cheekily bit back, resting her hands on her hips in what she thought would be a defying posture.

"Because I know him", Draco confidently said. "And I also know he's too god for you."

"You're his friend."

There it was. That blasted word again.

"What rights have you to tell me who he should date and who he should not?"

And at that, Draco practically growled, sneering his best sneer at the woman and before she could do so much as blink, he wrapped his arms around Harry's neck and kissed him fiercely. The man took little to no time in answering the kiss, placing his hands on Draco's waist, so gentle and loving contrasting his hungry mouth now positively ravishing Draco for all to see.

And as Harry moved his hands up and down Draco's back, and Draco tightened his hold on the man's shoulders, bringing them impossibility closer, all either could think was why the fuck did we not do this sooner?

As they parted, the infuriating witch and the whole damn gala long forgotten, both panting slightly and blushing madly, there was no hiding the goofy grins on their faces.

"So many times I've called you an idiot, but I guess we both are, aren't we?" Harry said, then proceeded to rest their foreheads together.

"Yeah, but everyone knows you can actually beat me in that specific category", Draco then said, finding it impossible to wipe the smile off his face.

Harry gave out a loud laugh and leaned in to kiss Draco again. This time, it was sweeter, more tender, and barely even a kiss due to the huge grins on their faces.

"Would you be opposed to me taking you away from this stupid gala and show you you other categories I can beat you in?" And the wicked, hungry smirk on Harry's face as he spoke had Draco weak in the knees.

All he could do was shake his head, letting his boyfriend drag him out, heart thudding with expectant excitement of what was to come.

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