The One Time Remus Lupin Lost It

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I know this isn't drarry but I felt particularly angsty today and decided to write this short little thing because I live for uncle Remus.

Actual drarry chapter almost done, though.


*Remus is emotionally unstable and he will not have the single most important person to him treated that way. Except he will.*

Remus looked at the wooden door with the number four on it and held his breath in anticipation. This was it. Little Whinging, Privet Drive, nr. 4.

James was dead. Lily was dead. Peter was dead. And Sirius was a traitor, which might just be worse. And now, the only thing left for him in the whole world was Harry. The memory of his high pitched voice yelling "Moo'ey" every time he entered a room and the lingering feeling of his small, chubby fingers clumsily tracing the scars on his face (Harry was the only one allowed to do that) were his only means of comfort as he desperately clung to a life that barely even held any meaning.

And he needed to see him. He needed to hold him and needed to hear his voice.

He slowly lifted a shaking hand and knocked twice, waiting impatiently for the door to open. He knew from Lily that her sister was as bitter as it gets towards their kind and that he would not be receiveing an exactly warm welcome, but he really couldn't have cared less. He just wanted to see Harry and make sure he was doing ok.

The door opened and a tall, slim -in a sickly looking way- blonde woman stood in front of him, a child propped on her left hip, screaming and hitting his mother with his little fist in displeasure. The woman looked positively exhausted.

"Yes?" she asked, eyeing Remus with instant suspicion.

"My name is Remus Lupin."

The woman's expression darkened.

"I was friends with Lily and James and-"

But he didn't get a chance to continue as Petunia made to close the door with a swift, brutal move. Before she could, however, Remus lifted his hand and stopped it, pushing it open again.

"Please", he croaked, voice breaking at the end. His devastated and pleading expression was enough only to cause Petunia to hesitate for a moment, before trying to shut the door again.

Before she could, though, a small kid wrapped in baggy, old clothes waddled to the door - he was barely standing on his own little feet - raven hair falling in his emerald green eyes and a look of pure bliss on his face as he recognised the man standing in the door.

"Moo'ey!" he shouted as he hurriedly made his way out of the house, tripping in his excitement.

Remus didn't waste a second before he lifted the small child in his arms, cradling him to his chest and allowing a single tear to roll down his face as a sob escaped his lips.

"Hey there, little man! How're you doing?" he whispered.

Harry lifted his head from where it was buried in the crook of Remus's neck to look at the only real family he had left. A huge smile adorned his face as he put his hands on Moony's face, thing that left the man beaming. He then looked around expectantly.

"Mama? Dada? Pa'foo? 'Omtail?"

Remus's heart shattered and more tears threatened to spill from his eyes. Harry had no doubt that, now that Moony was there, he would go back home, to his mother tucking him in, his father playing aeroplane with him, Moony reading him bedtime stories, Sirius taking him to the zoo and pretending to drop him in the lake with the crocodiles (which was one of the reasons he never wanted Lily to go with them) and Peter trying to stuff his mouth with all kinds of food one should most certainly not feed a toddler. But Remus knew he would not be allowed to take Harry and that just killed him. Dumbledore had forbidden him to even visit Harry, didn't even tell him where he was.

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