Queen (Lady) Mal - @QueenMal née Lady_MalB
King Ben - @KingBen
Evie Queen - @TheFairestQueen
Doug White - @D_White (also @FourHeartsPR)
Jane - @BBBJane
Carlos DeVil - @ChocoDude101
Jay - @IamJay
Lonnie Li- @LiFaLon
Audrey - @AudreyRose née PinkPrincess
Chad Charming - @FreshPrinceChad
New Additions:
Dizzy Tremaine - @DizzyoftheIsle
Celia Facilier - @fortune4facilier
Hades - @Hades
Uma - @idkwhatmynameis
Harry Hook - @itsUma_Harry
Gil - @GilsAuradon
InstaRoyal: The #1 Platform in Auradon
Fanfic*COMPLETE* The descendants of the most infamous Disney characters take on the biggest and most widely used social platform in all of the USA, the United States of Auradon, that is. Since graduating from high school, the core four has gone on explore...