King George is kissing Arnold (Andrew). Philip carlyle (phillipe) walks in and is like omg i cant brlieve ur cheating on my ahhhh. Then mendels like but i love you philip marry me please at may 27. He says yes and the male ensemble from somefhing rotten is like ahhhhh no more peeing for philip. Then jd comes and is like imma burn this whole place down if mcpriceley doesnt become real. Then kevin and connor make out in thier mud hut and jds like yall arr okay but heres a gun if you wanna use it and then he explodes. Then heathers mom comes in and is like i btought u cookies ahhhhhhhhhh...Jareds like w0aH what happened here boys then michaels like the world is ending fuck me jared daddy. While the secks is happenening bennys dispacth starts playong on the radio and shister shantel is like this is trash and she shoots it with the gun. David and andy uwu come in with their redheaded baby and they give it to the scarecrow from eicked and dawn to tskr care of it so they do and they get married and bret is the flower girl. Rod and nivky come in with their puppet baby nicholas and the godmother christmas eve and god fathers mr krabs and donkey. The narrator narratez everything as its happe ing ehile also marrying hanky panky and christaon borle. Then tom holland comez in and is likr im sexi spiderman uwu then rips is spideysuit off and is in his thong and joins mcpricely in the mud hut the end