Oh's and Talks

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The next day Imogen once again escaped her workplace during her lunch break and biked to the Oak and Shield, their town's oldest - and only - pub. There, at a wooden table outside there sat her childhood friend Andrew and Dr. Nenadovich, her current co-sleuth.

"Imogen!" the archaeologist called and waved her hand enthusiastically. "Here you are! We've already ordered. Andrew said you'd like a chicken sarnie, but I've gotten a fish and chips vibe from you. So, we thought we'd wait."

"Fish and chips sound great," Imogen said and gave Andrew a shy smile.

He seemed tense, but again Imogen assumed Petra had already unleashed herself onto him.

"I'll order for you," the policeman muttered and rushed inside.

Imogen nodded and sat down. When Andrew disappeared inside, Petra leaned in to Imogen.

"He seemed somewhat surprised when I approached his table. Have you 'forgotten' to mention to him it's not a tête-à-tête?" Petra gave Imogen an eyebrow wiggle.

"I just said we needed to meet and talk. I reckon he misunderstood."

Petra snorted.

"How convenient!"

"Well, you see, we grew up together," Imogen rushed to explain, "and every time we talk I feel like we've sorted it out, but then he sees me again and--"

Imogen's frantic whisper was interrupted by Andrew's return.

"So, Dr. Nenadovich explained to me that the two of you have some information--" he started.

"Yes, pertaining to the murders!" Petra announced proudly. "We had a lead, and we followed it, and we found their love nest!"

Andrew's face grew blank. Imogen understood he needed a Nenadovich-English dictionary.

"Dr. Nenadovich received an address," she said.

"And the man said I was clearly his wife, and I'd hate that! No Serbian or otherwise Eastern European men for me, thank you very much!" Petra scoffed and stabbed a slice of cucumber on her plate.

Andrew gave Imogen a questioning look.

"We met a man near that address, he explained to us that he saw Kitty Oswood and Mr. Buric meeting there regularly," Imogen did her part.

Andrew pulled out a small notebook from his pocket.

"What's the address?" he asked in a serious tone.

"I now wonder if maybe it was his version of a bouquet, to think of it!" Petra suddenly exclaimed and turned to Imogen, her eyes widened in bewilderment. "Except it is so much better than a bouquet. No flowers died, and I had so much fun! And it's something that I actually enjoy! So it's either gallantry, or... what?! Oh! And he let me drink out of his cup! He can't possibly find me repulsive! And also he said I wasn't batty!"

Imogen momentarily forgot about Andrew and the investigation.

"What do you mean? That the Titan... what? Fancies you?!" she gasped. "He can't!"

"No-o-o-o! No, he can't!" Petra gasped as well and shook her head. "You're right, he's hardly human! How would he-- And why?!"

"Pardon, who's the Titan?" Andrew looked between the two of them. "The man who'd seen the victim and Mr. Buric meeting up secretly?"

"No, of course not! He was much older. Oh!" Petra exhaled and pressed her hands to her cheeks. "Oh, but he is old too." Her eyes suddenly went glassy. "Or is he?"

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