Take a Step

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Author's Note:

This is the penultimate chapter of this story, my darlings. But perhaps, you'd like to see Book III in the Fox & Oakby series? ;) Let me know in the comments.

Love xx


Imogen hung up and went to the kitchen in search of the Mayor. They both stayed home after the shock of the previous evening, and currently he was making pancakes for the little'uns' lunch - and failing at that. The sad circles of half-burnt, half-raw batter lay on numerous plates around the kitchen. The Mayor's inadequacy as a cook didn't seem to upset either him, or his audience. Imogen watched how yet another pancake defeated the man, and guided by the clumsy movement of his turner it slid off the pan, onto a plate, and folded into an unattractive little heap. The children rolled with laughter. Judging by their dirty faces, there were no toppings left for the pancakes anyway.

"So, is it—" She looked into the empty bowls in front of them. "Strawberries and chocolate syrup for lunch then?" she asked with a chuckle.

"And banana," the Mayor said and pointed at the banana skins scattered on the table. "We were going American style."

"I don't fancy lemon," Brian said, scrunching his chocolate covered face.

"Uh-huh," Imogen said and gave the Mayor an adoring look over. "Is this your first time?"

He nodded and grinned. There was some chocolate smeared on his face as well, and Imogen couldn't help it. She grabbed the soft jumper on his chest and pulled him down. He tasted of strawberries.

Imogen released the Mayor and looked at the children. Brian was busy licking his fingers, while Kathy was giving the Mayor and Imogen googly eyes. The Mayor looked dazed.

"I think you should order pizza," Imogen said softly.

The Mayor hummed confirming - and then his gaze grew sharp.

"Are you not joining us?"

"Um... Please, don't be cross," Imogen pleaded, "but I need to pop in the Oakby Manor. Petra rang me."

Imogen could see from the corner of her eye that the children froze and were now intently watching the grown-ups. The poor duckies had a properly sensitive 'tension radar.' They'd seen too many angry adults.

The Mayor gave Imogen a reproachful look.

"It's nothing dangerous," Imogen exclaimed. "She says she found the reliquary of Eleonor of Aquitaine!"

"Did she now?" Oakby asked sarcastically.

"In a secret section of the library!"

"Makes sense," the Mayor said with a shrug. "It was my great grandfather's favourite spot. That would be the first place I'd look."

"Why didn't you say anything before?" Imogen gaped at him.

"No one asked for my opinion," he said haughtily. "And the investigation - which according to you, I 'took over' - had nothing to do with the reliquary. May I remind you, I was consulted on the case of a—"

Imogen interrupted him since she properly didn't want the words 'double murder' to hang in her kitchen like tobacco smoke.

"Either way, Petra thinks it's there, but she can't go down the stairs, so she asked me to come over," Imogen said.

The Mayor started taking off the jolly polka-dot apron Imogen had brought with her when they'd moved into the Firs.

"Alright, let me get my keys," he grumbled and went to the sink to wash his, no doubt, sticky hands.

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