Ditching Your Date

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"Dr. Nenadovich, do you need a lift?"

Petra looked up and gave Marcus a warm smile. Through the open door of her trailer slash temporary office she could see Stella, her other student, waiting outside. The girl was shifting her weight between her feet impatiently. Petra snorted. Stella clearly was hoping Petra would refuse. Marcus was such a looker, after all. Petra wasn't getting any 'interested' vibe from him, but she didn't blame the girl for trying, so to speak.

"No, ta, I'll stay for a bit more," Petra answered. "And then I have the Dinner!"

She smiled and rubbed her hands in anticipation.

"Dinner?" Marcus asked.

He had such a beautiful mouth, Petra couldn't help but note. The line of his lips was firm and willful. A slacking jaw was somewhat spoiling the impression, though. Perhaps, the genes were good, but the execution failed. She always imagined that there was some little connection - like those neat colourful switches on the fuse box - that had turned off with a sad click. And now Marcus was... Marcus. He was the loveliest person and made the best cuppa, but Petra always suspected that the Dean had insisted on Marcus' participation in the dig out of pure pity.

"With the Titan!" Petra announced gleefully. "I'm having dinner with the Titan tonight."

Stella's head popped inside the trailer.

"You're joshing!" the girl squealed.

"What?" Marcus looked between them. "Why?"

"Why am I having dinner with him?" Petra asked for clarification.

Stella giggled.

"Oh you poor nimwit," she murmured and patted Marcus' upper arm.

"Why?" Marcus asked again.

The women laughed.

"Well, mostly for the Bible, of course," Petra drew out. "As I've told you it's been stolen, but he told me that there's a chance there's a copy somewhere in the library. His library is massive."

"Yes, it is," Stella chimed in. "Massive!"

Another bout of inappropriate snickering followed. Marcus continued his one-man show that Petra tentatively titled in her head 'The Confusion of a Guppy.'

"And he promised me full access to it! I can't wait to--" She choked on her laughter. "Get my hands on it!" Petra squinted as if savouring a piece of chocolate.

"Then we'll leave you to it," Stella said and pulled at Marcus' sleeve. "You need to go home to change."

"To work in a library?" Marcus asked, but Stella was already leading him outside.

"Have a great evening, Dr. Nenadovich!" Stella shouted over her shoulder.

"Oh I will!" Petra sing-songed.

She could see both young persons get into Stella's car. Stella was gesturing wildly; Marcus looked stunned. Petra laughed and shook her head. She indeed needed to wrap up. Her dress and shoes were waiting for her on her bed; and she'd still need to try to tame her mane. Her curls were in an especially rebellious mood today. She couldn't possibly look like a dandelion while... working in the Titan's library.


Later that day, Petra paid the cabbie and climbed out of the car. The Oakby manor looked charming in the dusk. Her Mother called this time of the day 'smokefall.' Little Petra would always imagine Gandalf the Grey sitting on a bench and sending his pipeweed smoke rings to float upwards and then to slowly descend.

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