A Different World

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Two Days Later

"What happened to your arm?"

Evie looked up from the flowers that she was planting in the flower bed in front of the house to see Tig and Opie standing there with identical frowns on their faces. She grinned and shrugged.

"Workplace accident."

Opie nodded. "Gotcha. Where is it that you work again?"

Evie looked down, trying to think fast. She wouldn't be able to explain how a so-called nun was working in a dive bar at night. "Uh... the diner at the truckstop at exit 59."

Opie nodded again. "That's where you did it? At the diner?"

Evie nodded. "Yep. Guess I'm just clumsy."

Opie nodded and grinned. "You should be more careful... Sister. Sister Agnes inside? She wanted me to look at a leaky faucet."

Evie nodded. "Yeah, last time I checked. She was helping Jacob with his homework."

Opie nodded before walking inside, happy to see that the new AC unit was working well. When he stepped into the kitchen, he saw Agnes sitting at the kitchen table with Jacob, their heads bent over a textbook.

"Did you need me to check something out, Sister Agnes?"

She nodded as she stood up and walked out of the room. Opie followed her upstairs, both of them stepping into the bathroom. He quirked a brow when she shut the door and crossed her arms over her chest.

"I'm aware that you know that Evie isn't a nun. At least I'm presuming that Jax told you the truth by now."

Opie grinned and nodded. "Yup, he told me."

Agnes sighed and shook her head. "Well? What do you plan on doing with the information?"

Opie shrugged. "I'm not sure. I mean, she's given me no indication that she's interested in me."

Agnes rolled her eyes, making Opie grin. "Of course, she's interested. That's why she fibbed in the first place. You make her nervous."

Opie nodded. "I thought there was a chance that she lied to keep me at arms' length."

Agnes grinned and nodded. "That's exactly why. Evie's never had an adult boyfriend that I know of. I don't think she knows what to do about you."

"So if I want her, I'm going to have to do the heavy lifting."

Agnes nodded then grinned. "That doesn't mean that you can't have a little fun first though. Drive her crazy a little." She snapped her fingers. "She's off tonight. Why don't you take her somewhere?"

Opie nodded. "That could work. We're having a barbecue at the clubhouse later. All of you could come to that."

Agnes nodded. "That sound lovely. I'll get the boys there on time. You take Evie for a ride, spend some time with her alone first."

Opie grinned and nodded as they stepped back out into the hallway. When he got outside, he found Tig on his knees beside Evie, helping her plant flowers.

Opie held out a hand to Evie and helped her to her feet. "There's a barbecue tonight at the clubhouse. Agnes said that you're off so you all can come."

Evie sighed then nodded. "That sounds like fun."

Opie grinned. "Good. Come on."

Evie frowned as Tig grinned up at both of them. "We're going now?"

Opie shook his head. "Nope. Right now, I'm taking you for a ride. We'll meet everyone later."

Evie looked at him in exasperation. "I can't go like this."

Opie eyed her up and down, noting the denim shorts and black tank top she was wearing. "You look fine. You'll blend right in. Get on the bike."

Tig snickered loudly as Opie grinned when she stomped one small foot and glared up at him. "Look, you can't just order me around."

Opie rolled his eyes and pointed at his motorcycle sitting at the curb. "Get on my bike, Sister."

Evie stared him down for a moment before muttering to herself about overbearing men and stomping to his bike. Opie grinned at Tig as the other man shook his head.

"If nothing else, watching the two of you is entertaining. How long you gonna wait before letting her know that you know?"

Opie chuckled and shrugged. "I don't know. This is kind of fun."


When Opie stopped his bike by a small pond back in some trees, Evie forgot all about being angry with him. She climbed off of the bike, instantly missing his warmth against her front. She'd never been on a motorcycle before, but if she'd known how much fun it was, she would have done it years before.

She looked around the small clearing, seeing a cabin sitting back in the trees. She turned to Opie as he stood beside her.

"This is beautiful! How did you find it?"

Opie pointed at the cabin. "That's the club's cabin. I've been coming up here for years."

Evie nodded as she walked closer to the water. "And why are we here today?"

Opie shrugged. "After the last few days, I thought you could use a time-out. Everyone needs one once in a while."

Evie nodded. "You were right. Thank you." She grinned up at him as he stood beside her. "How come you're single?"

Opie chuckled and looked down at her. "You're assuming that I am."

Evie blushed and nodded. "You're right, I'm sorry. Let me re-phrase. Do you have someone?"

Opie sighed and shook his head. "No. My wife... She died a couple of years ago. It's just me and the kids now."

Evie reached out and grasped his arm for a moment before letting go. "I'm sorry, Opie."

He nodded. "It's ok. Shit happens, you know? It took a long time for me to be okay, and I still miss her ever day, but life goes on and I can't live in the past forever." He looked at her. "What about you? Did you have a man before you took your vows?"

Evie sighed, suddenly sorry that she ever lied to him. "No. I mean, yeah, I had boyfriends when I was younger but not as an adult."

Opie nodded. "You ready to head back? I'd like to introduce you to the rest of the family."

Second To Nun (Book One Of Sisters Of Mercy)Where stories live. Discover now