Final Goodbyes

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"Are we all ready?" Evie looked around the living room with a frown. "Where's Jessie?"

Rocky finished straightening Jonathon's tie as she looked at the small redhead.

"She said she was going to take a walk around town and that she'd meet us at the church."

Chibs and Happy frowned as Evie nodded. "Ye let the lass go alone? In a strange place?"

Rocky rolled her eyes. "She'll be fine. The worst that will happen is that she'll try to read someone's aura without their permission."

The women chuckled and nodded in agreement as the men continued to frown at them. Evie shrugged. "Jessie's... different."

Pru nodded. "She's very spiritual. In touch with her surroundings."

Tig chuckled as the group walked outside. "So she's a hippie."

Rocky rolled her eyes again as the women and three boys got into the limousine waiting at the curb and the men climbed on their bikes. When they were seated in the car and on their way to meet the hearse at the funeral home, Rocky pulled a crystal rosary out of her bag and held it up.

"I was going to give this to Agnes for Christmas this year."

Evie smiled and nodded. "She would have loved it. It's beautiful."

When they'd reached the funeral home, the hearse pulled out in front of the limo with Opie and Jax in front of the hearse. Evie looked out the back window and smiled as she saw the other motorcycles riding escort. "Agnes would have loved all of the attention."

Rocky snorted. "Probably, but I don't think the Archbishop is going to love it."

Evie sighed as she elbowed her friend in the side. "Lighten up, okay? They're good men."

Rocky just shrugged as she looked out the window and thought to herself that they'd see just how "good" SAMCRO was.

When they reached St. Raphael's, the women got out of the limo and stood watching as Agnes' casket was lifted by the Sons and carried inside. Rocky hung in the back of the group as they followed the casket into the building, already able to hear the large organ inside. She looked to her left and saw Lucinda and nodded.

"I want everything you can find on Opie Winston and The Sons Of Anarchy."

Lucinda nodded. "Local and federal?"

Rocky nodded. "Yeah, everything. I'm sure some of them have military records as well."

Lucinda grinned and nodded. "The Pentagon is no problem. I'll have it this evening."

Rocky nodded as they entered the church, prepared to say their final goodbyes.


Later, the women sat at a table in the corner of the clubhouse, drinking wine and people watching. It seemed that everyone in town had loved Agnes, because there wasn't room to breathe in the building.

Jessie grinned at Lucinda and nodded. "Luce, you've been watching that guy all afternoon. Why don't you go talk to him?"

Rocky gave her a look and shook her head. "None of us need to get too comfortable just yet."

Jessie shrugged. "They seem like a good group of men. Evie trusts them."

Rocky snorted. "Evie trusts everyone. I'm not so inclined."

Lucinda nodded in agreement. "We'll wait and see what happens."

Jessie nodded. "Well, that's fine for you. I'm going to open a shop here."

Rocky turned a shocked face her way. "You're going to what?"

Jessie chuckled. "I'm going to open a shop here. You know, books, crystals... That kind of thing. The aura of the town is lovely."

Rocky shook her head and chuckled. "Why doesn't that surprise me?"

At the bar, Evie was leaning against Opie as he ran a hand through her hair. "You doing ok, Van?"

She sighed and nodded. "Yeah, I'm good."

Opie inclined his head toward the corner where her friends were sitting. "They don't seem to be enjoying themselves."

Evie grinned and shrugged. "They're good. It's a new place and a difficult situation. Some tension is to be expected."

Opie nodded. "Yeah, that's true."

Opie stiffened up when Ernest Darby came walking in with one of his henchmen in tow. Evie swore under her breath as she laid a hand on Opie's chest. "It's a public wake, Ope. Anyone can come."

Opie cursed and nodded. "I know, babe, but it'll take just one wrong move from him. There are too many civilians in here to start anything and too many of us are on parole, and he knows it."

Evie plastered a smile on her face and stood up straight when Darby stopped in front of them. "Thank you for coming, Mr. Darby."

The smile he gave her was so slimy, she felt her skin crawl. She said a silent prayer when she saw Rocky stand up and move their way even as the Sons did the same.

"I thought that I should come pay my respects and let you know that if you need anything at all, I'm just a phone call away."

She felt Opie growl deep in his chest as she nodded. "I do appreciate that but I think I'll be just fine."

He smiled again as he stepped closer. "You are definitely fine, Evie. No doubt about that. You ever get tired of playing with these boys, I'll show you how a real man operates."

Before Evie could blink, Rocky and Lucinda were standing beside Darby and his man, both looking for all the world like they were cuddling up to them. Rocky batted her eyelashes and pushed her hand into his side as Darby paled.

"Hey, sweetness. Wanna walk outside with me?"

Darby cleared his throat. "And what if I don't?"

Rocky chuckled. "I'm sure it wouldn't be the first time blood was on this floor. Move." She turned to Evie as Lucinda moved with the other man toward the door. "Keep everyone inside."

Rocky turned with Darby and walked toward the door, refusing to make eye contact with anyone, especially the bald Son who looked ready to tear into Darby. As soon as the door shut behind them, Rocky pushed Darby away from herself, showing the small handgun she'd been pressing into his side. Darby shook his head as the two women backed toward the door.

"You're a crazy bitch, you know that?"

Rocky grinned and nodded. "Of course, I do." She shot then, catching him right below the kneecap. His guy had to grab for him to keep him from falling to the pavement. Rocky winced as she tucked her gun into the back of her skirt underneath her jacket. "That looks bad. Might want to have that checked. You gentlemen have a wonderful day."

She turned and held the door open for Lucinda before following her back inside.

Second To Nun (Book One Of Sisters Of Mercy)Where stories live. Discover now