Just The Facts

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Jax looked around the beach at everyone playing until he spotted who he was looking for. Tommy was building a sand castle with Kenny a little ways from the older kids but close enough for the older boys to keep an eye out.

He nodded to Russ and Jonathon as he walked by them, stopping to drop to the sand beside the two smaller boys. He took another look around, spotting Sister Agnes sitting with his mom and Tara. Knowing that he could probably get a few minutes alone with Tommy, Jax grinned at Kenny and nodded down the beach.

"Happy has some hot dogs on the grill. Why don't you go get you and Tommy a couple? I'll sit here with him until you get back."

Kenny jumped up and ran down the beach, leaving Jax alone with Tommy. He smiled at the little boy.

"Hey, little man. You having fun?"

Tommy grinned at Jax and nodded. "Yeah! Kenny's awesome and Happy said he'd teach me how to swim later."

Jax chuckled and nodded. "That's awesome, man. Too bad Sister Evangeline couldn't come too."

Tommy frowned and shook his head. "Evie's not a Sister, only Sister Agnes. Evie's like our mommy."

Jax stared at the little boy for a moment in shock before slowly nodding. "I see. Does she have a boyfriend? Someone that's like a daddy to you?"

Tommy frowned. "No, just Evie. Russ says we don't need a daddy, that they're mean."

Jax nodded before looking over at the older boys and wondering what kind of lives they led before coming to Evie. "Well, not all dads are mean. I'm not mean, am I?" When Tommy shook his head, Jax continued. "Right, and you've met Opie. That's Kenny's dad. He's not mean."

Tommy laughed, making Jax smirk. "Nah, Opie's not mean. I like him but he's big."

Jax laughed and nodded. "Yeah, a little. Hey, looks like Kenny's back with your food, little man. I'll see you later, okay?"

Tommy nodded as Jax got up and started toward the group of women. When he got there, he pointed at Sister Agnes. "Can we have a talk? In private?"

The older women nodded and stood to walk a little ways away from the group.

"What's on your mind, young man?"

Jax crossed his arms over his chest and looked down at her. "Why is Evie lying about being a nun?"

Agnes sighed and shook her head. "I knew it was trouble when I saw you talking to Tommy." She paused for s moment before continuing. "Evie's a very simple girl. She likes continuity and she says that she doesn't have room for a man in her life. I suppose she thought it would be easier to let Opie think she wasn't available."

Jax grinned and nodded. "So it was just Opie that she wanted to think that." When Agnes nodded, he chucked. "So she likes him but she's scared."

Sister Agnes chuckled. "Pretty much, yes. You're going to tell him, aren't you?"

Jax shrugged. "Well, the man's interested. Can't have him thinking that he's committing a sin, can we?"

Sister Agnes smirked and nodded. "I think things are about to prove interesting."


Later that night after they returned from the beach, Jax walked in the clubhouse to find Opie and Tig playing a game of pool as Juice and Chibs sat at the bar. Opie nodded to his best friend as he leaned against the pool table.

"You get Agnes and the boys home okay?"

Jax grinned and nodded. "Yup. You ready for the intel?" When Opie nodded, Jax grinned. "Van isn't a nun."

Opie stared at him for a moment before speaking. "Seriously?"

Jax nodded and told him the whole story. When he was done, Opie was grinning. "So what's the plan?"

Opie chuckled. "I'm about to make her very sorry that she lied."

Tig snickered and nodded. "This will be fun to watch. I haven't seen Opie on the hunt in a long time."

Opie smirked as the others laughed. "Yeah, all bets are off. She's mine, she just doesn't realize it yet."

Jax chuckled and nodded. "Go get your girl, brother."


The next morning, Evie woke to a loud banging noise coming from outside. She groaned and turned over to see what time it was. When she saw that it was a little past eight, she groaned again and sat up.

When she made it downstairs, she found the boys eating cereal at the kitchen table. Agnes grinned at her from the end of the table.

"Good morning, sunshine."

Evie pointed at the backyard as she poured her coffee. "Why are they here on a Sunday morning?"

Tommy grinned at her as he spooned up more cereal. "Opie's making me a jungle gym!"

Evie sighed and shook her head as she kissed Tommy on the forehead. "Well, you are a little monkey."

Agnes nodded toward the counter. "I was just going to take that thermos of coffee out to them but you can do it."

Evie rolled her eyes as she snatched the thermos and paper cups from the counter and stomped outside. She squinted against the sunlight as she made her way to the back of the property where Opie and Tig were working.

"Agnes sent you some coffee."

Opie stopped short when he saw her standing there. Belatedly, she realized that she was still in the booty shorts and camisole top that she slept in. He seemed to shake himself and grinned as he stepped forward and took the thermos from her.

"Thanks, Van. Your looking... great, today."

She blushed as he chuckled at her obvious discomfort. "Uh, thanks?"

She turned to go but his next words stopped her. "I'll be in in a bit to work on you're closet door." When she frowned, he shrugged. "Agnes said it was sticking. I'll fix it for you."

Evie mentally promised to smack Agnes as she nodded. "How many more hours of community service have you guys got left?"

Opie chuckled and shrugged. "Oh, more than enough. I'm afraid you're stuck with us."

Second To Nun (Book One Of Sisters Of Mercy)Where stories live. Discover now