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"Please buckle your seatbelt until we're safely in the air. The weather in England is rainy and grey, so enjoy the sun for a couple of hours. Have a nice flight ladies and gentlemen"

And off we go.

I'm sitting beside a mum and her daughter, she's about 10 and all she keeps on talking about is one direction. But I guess that's what life's all about at 10, when I was 10 I lived with my barbies. My world was their world. My favourite was a blond barbie named Charlotte, she was living the life I hadn't. She was famous, rich and hot, I'm kind of the opposite to be honest.

I've always been the one who's been called "cute", "sweetheart" and "cutie pie". But it's not until now I realise it was because "sexy" and "hot" was occupied by my friends, sad but true. Im only 17 though so I guess it will come sooner or later.

I look out the window and all I see is dots and fields, I like flying, it's so relaxing. When I was small (before my barbie time) I dreamt about being a pilot, I still do sometimes.

My pilot dreams interrupts by the little girl one seat away from me.

"Excuse me, would you like to switch seats? I really want to look through the window. If you don't want to its okey"

Without a doubt I give my seat away to the girl who tells me her name is Darcy. I love that name, if I'd have a daughter someday I would name her Darcy.

I put my headphones in after the little chat with the girl and close my eyes.


A flight attendant knocks on my shoulder.

"Sorry to disturb you, but we need you to put your seatbelt on and turn off your electronic device"

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