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The hug interrupts by a mans voice behind us.

"I'm not alone!"

The man sights in relief, probably by the sight of two other survivors in front of him. Both Harry and me lets go of each other and looks at him. The man is about 45-50, bald and with a beer belly showing underneath his black t-shirt.

"Hi! I'm glad to see another person alive"

Harry suddenly says and walks up to the man. He shakes his hand as the man introduces him self as Hugh.

"Where there many people on you way here?"

I ask Hugh.

"Yeah, I guess! Probably dead, every single one. Pretty gross. Man I'm lucky"

He laughs out. Is he serious?

"That's not funny?"

I say sharply.

"You could've been dead too"

I add.

"Yeah, but you know what sweetheart? I'm not"

He pets my head as he walks past me. Anger aches inside of me. Just as I'm about to say a bunch of dirty words, Harry stops me.

"Sarah, he's not worth the energy"

He whispers calmly.

"Can't we just leave him?"

I whine back.

"We could try"

He giggles and looks for an exit.

"Where are you kids going?"

The man says harshly.

"We were about to go and look for other survivors, we have one place left to check"

Harry says and smiles politely. I don't understand how he can be so calm and nice when this pile of shit is treating us bad.

"Well you're not going to leave me here"

Hugh says and walks up besides Harry and me.

"Should we run?"

I whisper jokingly in Harry's ear. He faces me and smiles.

"If I weren't this afraid of him, I would!"

He joke back and starts to walk out of the plane.


"Oh, so we are ALREADY done?"

Hugh says sarcastically.

"I guess so. Its really sad that we didn't find any survivors"

Harry answers in a tired tone.

"Yeah yeah, such a pity! Hope the camp you are talking about is looking properly cause I'm hella tired"

The man whines behind us.

"Should I run ahead and destroy the whole camp so he leaves us?"

Harry says as we are in a good distance before him.

"That's not a bad idea"

I laugh.

"wasn't it?"

"Really was! It's totally worth it"

We both laugh as we head to the camp with the disgusting man behind us.

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