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Although his eyes were puffy and there were visible tear streaks down his face, Crowley was the happiest he had been in all of his long, long life.
His angel could now truly be his.
Tears flowed freely from his golden eyes, but he didn't care, he had never felt so many emotions at once, and he loved it, he leaned forward and wrapped his arms around his beautiful angel, and sobbed into his shoulder, as thoughts spiralled round his head.

So many emotions flooded him, but one stuck out among the rubble of his mind, shone brighter than any star he had ever created,

Love that almost seemed impossible to a demon, love that was superior to anything that he had ever felt towards anyone, love that couldn't be described in words,

A love that could only be described as, well, ineffable.


Aziraphale smiled, and wrapped his arms around his demon, in an effort to comfort him, just as he did after the nightmare, and felt tears form in his eyes, he let them fall down his face and onto the sobbing demon.
Aziraphale had always known about love, as all angels automatically felt love towards all of gods creations, but the love he felt towards Crowley was different. Crowley himself was different. All the other demons that Aziraphale knew of were rude, violent and just overall unpleasant, but Crowley wasn't rude, violent or unpleasant, in fact, he was quite the opposite, he had done so much for him and was one of the most peaceful demons he had ever known, and that was why Aziraphale loved him, because he wasn't like anyone else. He was the nicest demon in all the universe, and would walk on holy ground just to save him, he would perform miracles just to make him happy. Aziraphale had never known a love like this, and there was only one word to describe it.

No one could ever begin to understand it, and it wasn't made to be understood.


And there they sat, holding each other like it was the end of the world, silently crying, for what felt like hours.


Aziraphale cleared his throat, "well, we can't just sit here forever, as nice as this is, I would rather like to go and have dinner at the Ritz"
Crowley looked up at his angel's beautiful blue eyes, "sure," he chuckled, "it's a date"


They sat at their usual table for two, in the middle of the restaurant, as smooth piano music filled the room.
"To the world" Crowley lifted his glass,
"You are my my world dear" Aziraphale said with a voice sweeter than honey.
Crowley blushed, and clinked his glass against Aziraphale's.
They talked for hours, before getting asked to leave, as the restaurant was closing.

They walked to Crowley's car, and Aziraphale slipped his hand into Crowley's, earning a soft smile from the serpent. They drove back to the bookshop in comfortable silence, listening to the car radio. While driving, a familiar song played from the Bentley's speakers,

🎶I could dim the lights and sing you songs full of sad things🎶

They both blushed and smiled at each other coyly.
Crowley pulled up outside of the bookshop, with the music still blaring.
He stood up and folded his arms over the top of the car, just admiring the gorgeous sight in front of him, he took off his sunglasses and looked his angel in the eye again.
"Are you alright, love?" Aziraphale stepped closer to his boyfriend, so that their faces were inches apart.
Crowley gave in to the temptation, and gently pressed his lips against the angel's as his serpentine eyes fluttered shut.
Aziraphale was the first to break the kiss, pulling away with a loving sigh, as queen played in the background.

"Night angel," Crowley said as Aziraphale walked towards his shop, "love ya"
Aziraphale smiled, "goodnight, Crowley, I love you too"

An ineffable loveWhere stories live. Discover now