This shit's crazy

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"How come you were mean to Midoriya, yet never acted like that around me?"


I sat silent for a moment, trying to come up with some excuse. Then my brain said 'screw you, let's just dump all of our secrets out for the world to see' and I started talking.

"Deku was an annoying little shit that wouldn't mind his own fucking business. You learned your boundaries almost instantly, I guess. Since you used to be the shyest fucker I've ever met, you never pissed me off. That's why when you told me about THEM, I got overprotective." I said the last part through gritted teeth, remembering the day. Those assholes begged for mercy when I threw the first damn punch. Weak.

Shitty Hair hummed to show he listened, nodding his head. I could feel the smile that was growing on his face, and it took pretty much everything I had not to look at him.

"Well, maybe we'll get to a day when you'll be fine with us touching you!" He beamed, and I huffed at the thought. I nearly gave Pikachu a black eye the last time they tried that.

"His gay ass just held my hand, so I have hope." Pinky commented, and I lit an explosion so fast the rest of them couldn't decide if they were laughing or screaming.

"Soooo... Fam, what are we gonna do about food? They bring us boneless ice for free, but your homeboy needs sustenance-" Pikachu commented once the chaos died down. Tape Arms stood, before announcing his "genius idea."

"We'll take turns on whoever leaves!" Thaaaaat's not fucking happening.

"And if one of you dumbasses get jumped? Look at what happened to Hair For Brains, AND LEARN!"

"Then we'll go two at a time." We all looked at Pikachu, dumbfounded.

"Did you... Just say something smart?" Pinky said before all of us.

"BABE. YOU'RE LEARNING." Plain Face hugged the shit out of his boyfriend, and Pinky started fangirling. Both me and Shitty Hair sighed at the same time, and I leaned closer to whisper to him.

"The moment these two announce they're dating they can't keep their hands off of each other, but before they had no problems." This caused him to start laughing hysterically, landing all attention on us.

"What'cha talkin' about, Blasty~" Pinky said, and I growled.

"None of your business, Raccoon Eyes."

"I actually have a theory." Tape Arms said.

"Stop showing off your brain cells..." Pikachu whined.

"Maybe it's because Bakugou-" He was interrupted by the door opening. It was the doctor.

"Mr. Kirishima- Oh. You have visitors again. Well... We'll need to borrow him so that we can perform tests to make sure his healing is going smoothly." He said, and I almost saw pity in his eyes.


Sero's P.O.V.

We all decided this was the best time to get food, and they said they would call us when the tests had finished. We went to the dorms to change and shower, and the entire trip Bakugou seemed to be on edge. All of us were really, and poor Kaminari kept looking back at the hospital when we left until it was out of sight.

Back at the dorms, it was unusual for it to be completely empty.

"Guys... What day is it?" I asked. This caused panic to arise.

"IT'S A SCHOOL DAY! AND WE AREN'T THERE!" Mina went into full-on distress mode, Bakugou facepalmed, and both me and Kaminari tried to calm down our pink-skinned friend. We resorted to just using my tape to just tape her mouth shut.

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