The chapter you've all been waiting for.

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That's right bitches!

I ain't dead!

Corona got nothin' on this-




Kiri P.O.V.

No. No no no. This wasn't happening. They weren't five feet away, slowly coming closer.

My body shivered, but I could hardly feel it. A growl emanated from Bakugou somewhere off to my left, but it seemed distant and fuzzy.

Memories clashed with one another.

Back in middle school, with the bullies.

About a week ago, when THEY attacked. Dabi and Toga, from what the doctor told me.

I shouldn't have wanted to see what the noise was.

I should've just left.

Bakugou was shaking my arm now, and I snapped back to reality. I could see the warmth and worry in his eyes, while tears nearly fell out of my own.

"Can't you see you've done enough?" Bakugou practically barked at them.

"He gave us a pretty good fight, so we just returned the favor." The taller one with black hair said. He was so... calm. Of course what happened to me didn't effect him.

"By nearly KILLING him?!" Sero joined in.

That's right.

I'm not alone. I'm not in the middle of the street, getting beaten so bad my Hardening didn't work. I'm not backed into a wall, praying for another student to save me.

But even at the thought, fear still raced through me. These guys wouldn't show mercy. I took comfort in the fact my friends were here, but it still wasn't enough.

Baku P.O.V.

Fuck it.

Fuck it all.

Fuck these assholes who hurt Kirishima.

Fuck the world for making him cry.

Fuck his mom for disowning him.

Heh... I'm gonna get thrown in jail by the time I'm done with these guys.

"Relax, Bakugou. We're just here to talk." THAT got me suspicious. How did he know my name? Did the fucker stalk us? Does he have some sort of mole in the school?

Fuck. All of this is messing with my head. Just focus on what you do best.

Kicking ass.

"Hehe! It WAS fun to watch him slowly lose the will to fight, though~" Toga, the blonde mother fucker giggled.

Mina exchanged looks with Sero when Blondie stopped talking. Is this bitch crazy? Am I going crazy?

"You say you want to talk, but what happened with Kiri says otherwise." Sero butt in, stepping forward a bit. This probably looked ridiculous to anyone watching, and Blondie and Whoever-The-Fuck seemed to understand that. They stopped about three feet away- a socially acceptable distance, but FUCK it was getting harder to resist the urge to punch them in the face.

"Actually, that's what we came here to talk about." The man paused, giving each of us a once-over.

I'll never admit it out loud, but his next words sent a shiver down my spine.

"What the fuck are five werewolves doing in a high school?"

Kami P.o.V.

This is it. This is the end. We're all gonna die. Homies, it was nice knowing you, but how the ever-loving hell did they know we're werewolves?

Isn't it like, some sort of really well hidden secret? (Not that we've tried to keep said secret very hard, but it's more effort than what I put into Math class.)

I could fell the electricity pulsing through my fingers- not adrenaline, no, I'm too bat shit scared at the moment for that. But I do have one thing at my disposal- one thing that could get us the  f u c k  out of Doge.

Holy hell- this is the smartest idea I've had in awhile. Maybe I do have brain cells!

"Why should we tell you?" The words were practically spat out, and I had to do a double-take. Mina said that. Such a tone and hostility I'd expect from Mr. Firecracker, but this  was equally as holy-shit-I'm-about-to-piss-my-pants-what-the-fuck-is-going-on.

I nudged by boyfriend, hopefully staying discreet. He glanced at me, and leaned back a little to show he was listening, keeping his eyes and body facing Dabi and Toga.

I whispered what I had in mind, and noticed Mina inching closer to hear what I had to say. Bakugou and Kirishima couldn't hear, but I know they'll pass it along.

"Because! I'm sure they told you we're part of a gang or something, but that's just a cover-up." Toga started giggling again, smiling with a smile that showed WAY too many teeth.

"You ever heard of werewolf hunters?" Dabi asked, completely calm next to his energetic friend. I've never heard of 'werewolf hunters' before, but even my dumb ass can guess what they do.

I repeat. We are fucked.

Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Mina whispering to Kirishima. Maybe this isn't hopeless-


"Care to share with the class, Mina Ashido? I'd love to hear what you five are planning." Dabi narrowed his eyes at her, and I had to take a step back.

This wasn't like our raids- those were for fun, and even if we got caught, we'd be sent away with a slap on the wrist. This is real. Kirishima could've DIED!

"Well, Teach, clearly you don't know your students very well. We don't listen to adults." Bakugou snapped at him.

"Ohhhhhh~ Feisty, are we? I can't wait for when you're begging us for mercy~" Toga openly laughed this time, earning a smirk from her friend.

"Bakugou says, 'whenever you're ready.'" Mina whispered to me and Sero.

Steeling my resolve (which wasn't much) I took a step forward, with confidence (that was quickly crumbling) and held my arm out to Sero.

To the meme gods above, please let this work.

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