Chapter 7: Studying with Peter

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The rest of the school day went by pretty slowly until lunch time finally rolled around. The bell rang loud and everyone stood up and rushed out of the classroom. I took my time, knowing if I took my time my chances of getting crushed decreased. I packed my books and pens in my bag before I left the room only to see Peter Parker stood opposite the classroom, leaning against the lockers.

"What's up Peter?" I smiled as I stopped. 

"Hey, I saw you coming in here before, I wanted to walk to dinner with you." he smiled kinds. I nodded and smiled as I pointed in the right direction. We walked quietly down the halls until Peter spoke up.

"So, I was wondering if you wanted to get together after school, to work on the project?" He asked, scratching the back of his neck. 

"Sure, I would love to." I smiled. "My aunt is out of town till later tonight anyway so I'd just be sat alone."

"cool, I'll meet you out of..."

"Calc 3."

"Wait, I have that class too." 

"I know, I've seen you, I just didn't know you were you." I reminded him as we entered the cafeteria.

"Right, well, I'll wait for you after class and we can go to my place." Peter offered as we arrived at the lunch table we usually occupy when Peter isn't here.

"Ohhh, what's going on tonight?" MJ interjected bouncing her eye brows up and down and smirking.

"We got paired together in class so we are meeting up tonight to work." Peter explained. 

"I'm meet up with my lab partner over the weekend so.."

"Yeah, how about we work through the weekend too?" Peter offered as he pulled out his food.

"I would love to, but this weekend I'm going to be visiting my dad and stepmom."

"Wait, I thought you said you lived with your aunt?" he asked confused.

"I do, when I got scouted for the school my dad said I could go, but it's like a two hour drive from my home," I started to explain, exaggerating a little. "So my aunt offered on alternative, I stay with her here and at weekends I drive back home and spend some time with my dad."

"Why didn't your dad and step mum just move out here?" MJ asked as she put down her book.

"What he does is kind of important, He works on developing clean energies, life saving equipment and stuff like that. My dad needed to stay where he is, besides, It's easier for me to be at this school were people don't know who he is." I told her.

"So you won't tell us his name?" Ned asked confused. 

"Sure, his name is Tony Stark." I told them and all three burst out laughing. I smiled, I mean I knew I wasn't lying, but I kinda wanted to see how they would react, would they believe me or would they call me crazy. Apparently they just thought I was joking.

"Oh, you are too funny." Ned cried wiping away a fake tear. 

"His name isn't important, I just want to live outside of his shadow you know."

"We get it. So, you two decided on your project yet?" Ned asked as he shovelled chips into his mouth.

"We're gonna work on it more later but we have narrowed it down to cleaner energy or crime fighting robot." I told him. 

The rest of lunch sped by and Peter and I walked together to class where we sat and worked until the final bell rang. 

"You ready to work?" Peter asked as we packed our things. I nodded and was walked out together.

Peter and I spent out journey home talk and getting to know one another. Peter said it was because he had a week's worth of friendship to make up for to be at the same level as MJ and Ned. We walked up to a building that was extremely familiar. It was my apartment building.

"Wait, you live here?" I asked as we walked inside.

"Yeah, apartment 7C." He smiled. 

"7D." I smiled as I raised my hand. 

"No way." He laughed. "I didn't know anybody had moved it just yet. My aunt said she had met a girl that was moving in but she hadn't seen her since so figured she changed her mind."   

"We were having some work done, My aunt said she had left a key with our neighbour May."

"My aunt." Peter smiled. 

We continued into the apartment building until we stopped at 7C and Peter pulled out his keys and unlocked the door. 

"May! I'm home!" He yelled. A couple seconds later May appeared an goofy looking smile on his face.

"Mrs Peterson just called up said she saw you walking and laughing with a girl." She informed him. "So, who is she?" 

Peter moved out of the way and her eye's landed on me. "Oh, Evelyn right?" She smiled as she cleared her throat. 

"Evie." I corrected her.

"Well, Evie, your aunt dropped these of for you." She smiled as she put her hand in her pocket and pulled out a couple keys and handed them to me. 

"Oh, thank you but erm..."

"She and I are lab partners at school, so where going to be working for a bit." Peter informed her as he pulled his bag off and walked over and kissed her cheek. 

"Well, OK then. You're gonna stay for dinner Evie, I'm ordering Pizza" She asked. I was about to answer when she spoke again. "That wasn't a request, your aunt told me she was out until later tonight working so you're staying for dinner."

"OK." I smiled as I walked and sat by Peter where we spent most of the night working until dinner arrived then we just goofed off until it was time for me to leave. 

"I'll see you Monday?" Peter asked and I shrugged. 

"I guess, but I live next door so maybe before then. Nat and I tomorrow to my dads then arrive back on Sunday."

"Well I'll see you around."

"No doubt."

"See you later Evie!" May called from her couch.

"I'll see you later May. Thanks for dinner."

"Anytime. When ever your aunt is out and you fell you need company just come on over." She grinned.

"I'll definitely tack you up on that offer sometime." I called. With one last goodbye I left apartment 7C and walked to my door. 

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