Chapter 16: Taken

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It was early Monday morning and I was getting ready for school, singing along to Billy Joel that played on the speakers on my room and picked out my outfit for the day. I picked out a black strappy top, a pair of skinny jeans and a beige coloured jacket. I quickly showered, changed and dried my hair before slipping on a pair of heeled ankle boots and ran down stairs to grab some breakfast. 

As I ate I felt my phone buzz, it was a text from Peter.

Bug Boy: Hey sorry, I'm running a little late, I'll meet you in the car 

"everything OK?" My aunt asked. I looked up and nodded taking another bite of my bagel. 

"Pete's just running late." 

"Nothing new then." My aunt joked, I laughed and nodded.

"Pretty much,. He said he'd meet me downstairs in the car." I told her. She nodded and continued her breakfast and once I finished mine I grabbed my school bag and left/ shouting a quick good by to Nat.

"See you Peanut!" 

I ran for the elevator but since I missed it I decided against waiting and I ran down the stairs. I got down stairs pretty fast and when I reached outside the cold hit my face as I looked around for my car. It wasn't where it usually was so a waited a couple minutes, just as I had pulled my phone out to ask Nat about it, the car pulled up and I rushed over to is, dying to get out of the cold.

I climbed into the car and buckled in. "Hey, we gotta wait a second, my... Peter will be here in a minute." I told the driver he stayed quiet but watched me from the rear view mirror. 

It made me slightly uncomfortable but as I was about to say something the door opened and Peter climbed in. Only it wasn't Peter.

I looked to the side of me and saw a big looking guy with dark hair and dark eyes. He had on a black shirt and a black leather jacket and he had a gun pointed at my face. I reached for my necklace but before I could the guy cocked his gun and touched it to my forehead. 

"Don't even think about it princess," The guy growled, I felt the car move, meaning we were in motion and the next thing I new the guy next to me pulled the gun back the brought it down, colliding it with my face and everything turned black.

*A while Later*

I woke up groggily and went to move my arms except, I couldn't move them. I couldn't move anything. I looked down to see I had been tied to a chair. I began to panic and struggle and I wanted to scream, except nothing came out but a muffled noise.

"Don't bother trying to scream honey, no one will hear you down here." A voice called out. I look around but saw nobody, just shadows and broken glass. 

I struggled again and let a tear fall down my face as I tried in vane. 

"Oh, come on sweetheart, don't cry. You don't want to ruin that pretty little face of yours." The voice called again, this time the guy made him self visible by stepping out of the shadows. He slowly walked over to me, a evil smiled flashed on his face as he knelt down in front of me and looked over my face. 

"Look at you, you're so...young, what Tony Stark see's in must be what? 16?" He asked and I nodded, tears streaming down you face. 

"Well he always did like then young." Another voice interrupted but this voice came through a speaker, like we was on a PA system.

"Hmmm, maybe we got the wrong girl?" The guy sighed second guessing himself. I looked at the guy wide eyed as he reached over an removed the gag from my mouth. I went to scream but her struck me across the face. 

"Don't!" He demanded. "Now, tell me your name."

"E..Evelyn, Evelyn Howard." I croaked out. He hit me again. 

"I said tell me your name!" He yelled. 

"Evelyn Howard." I insisted. Whack!

This went on for around twenty minutes until I could barely hold my eye open through the pain.

"I'm gonna ask you this, one last time. What is your name girl?" He guy growled.

"Evelyn Stark." I whimpered. The guy raised his hand but stopped confused. 

"Wait, stark?" He asked. "How exactly do you know Tony Stark?" 

"He...he's my dad." I struggled, the guy looked scared for a second but then he recovered and grabbed my face. 

"Well, this just makes things easier doesn't it." He stated. He let go and moved away but I managed to speak first. 

"Who are you?" I asked. 

"That's not important little girl." The guy snarled back at me. At some point I had managed to get my hand free and I reached for my Panic button but when I couldn't find it I began to panic.

"You looking for this?" The man laughed as he help up both my panic button and Nano Tech Bracelet. I began to fight against my other restraints. Then I remembered, my Panic Button has an automatic response if it records a drastic change in my heart rate. Like if it doesn't feel my heartbeat no more, it will send and alert to F.R.I.D.A.Y and my dad. It also has GPS.

"Don't worry, your glasses are safe too." 

"Don't worry, I don't need them. Somebody is already on there way." I smiled painfully as I relaxed into the chair I was tied to. 

"I don't think so kid, I doubt anybody has even noticed you were missing." The guy laughed. 

"Trust me they know."

"How can you be so sure."

"Because I bet you and you friend were to stupid to disable the HBM." I shrugged, wincing at the pain it coursed.

"The what?" The guy asked confused. 

"There is a  device in my tech that measures my heart rate and informs my family if it changes too much." I nodded towards my things in his hands. 

"Bullshit." The guy growled as he dived forward and grabbed my hair and pulled my hear back to look at him. "Even if that is true, there's no way to find you." 

"GPS everywhere." I told smirked. 

WHACK! He struck me across the face again. 

"I;m the daughter of a genius, Billion air, Playboy philanthropist. You didn't think he's let me wonder around New York alone, without anyway to keep an eye on me?" I bit back. 

WHACK! Another strike to the face, this time harder and more painful.

Then the guy took a rock and smashed every bit of equipment he had taken from me, but it was too ate, the guy was blasted across the room as I felt my eyes drop. 

Just before I lost consciousness I saw my dad and Nat come running over to me.

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