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Emma walked into the gym she was currently working at. Her hair all down and in its natural straight state. She wore a sports bra and a pair of leggings as she did most days. A duffle bag hanging off her shoulder with everything she always carried to work. Emma went to the front desk and smiled at her best friend and co-worker.

"Morning Quinn" she announced in hope to get the young girls attention.

"Oh good morning darling. How are you" the posh British woman asked with a huge smile to see her closest friend.

"I'm alright thanks. How many people I got today" Emma replied as she bent down to lean on the desk her friend was at.

"Just one. She's new so they want you working with just her today" Quinn replied with a slight smirk across her face as she handed the blonde her file.

"Let's have a look at who I'm dealing with then. Regina Mills. 27. Very good fitness. Looking to have a permanent trainer" Emma said to herself mostly as she read off the file in her hand. "I think she'll be quite easy to handle"

"Excuse me. I'm looking for my trainer" a brunette woman questioned as she approached the desk where Quinn sat.

"What's your name darling"

"Regina Mills"

"Awe yes. This is your trainer" Quinn replied with a smirk to the blonde who was still leaning on the desk.

She had just been admiring this Regina woman. Her body was fantastic. Her face was gorgeous. Her voice was pure sexy. Emma had the bottom left corner of her lip trapped between her teeth just looking at the woman. She soon snapped out the trance when she noticed Regina's body move to face her. She snapped up into an upright position and held her hand out.

"Emma Swan. Why don't you go get changed and I'll meet you back here to go through everything" Emma quickly said shaking the hand and hoping she wasn't caught.

"Alright" Regina simply replied with a slight smirk and a chuckle to silently let the blonde know she knew.

The brunette struts off towards the sigh saying ladies changing room. Emma watched to make sure she was gone before turn round to Quinn. Both girls looked at each other shocked by her beauty.

"Fucking hell she was hot" Emma said as she fanned herself like a teenaged girl.

"Dam I want to be that hot" Quinn sighed as she thought about how beautiful Regina was.

"Dam I want someone that hot" Emma replied with a slight smile at her thoughts.

"The difference between a straight and a gay girl ay" Quinn mocked as they both laughed to each other.

"This is going to be fun" Emma smirked as she bit her lip and leaned back against the desk.

"Don't do anything stupid. She's clearly a classy woman" Quinn warned with a laugh and an eye roll.

"I know what I'm doing" Emma replied with a cheesy smile back at her best friend.

The sound of footprints towards the desk came from beside them. They looked over to see Regina pausing in her tracts. She had changed out her smart suit and into a pair of black leggings and a very tight vest top. Emma looked at her with wide eyes because she wasn't expecting her to look that good.

"So shall we begin" Regina asked smirking a little as she saw the blonde staring at her again.

"Yes. Of course" Emma fumbled while pulling herself out the silly trance and back to reality. "Alright so first we can go for a run and see what your fitness is like"

Regina gave a slight nod meaning she agreed. Emma walked towards the exit meaning Regina followed. The blonde looked across at her new girl and smirked a little as she watched her stretch. The brunette woman was gorgeous and her body was amazing. Emma just bit her lip as she fell into a trance. Once Regina finished she looked at the woman staring at her.

"See something you like" Regina asked with a confident smirk.

"What" Emma questioned as she snapped from her stare and looked confused.

"You were staring. It's ok. I don't mind" Regina replied as her eyes ran up and down the blondes body.

"Alright let's go" Emma quickly said as she started to jog.

She felt a little awkward so she just decided to run. Regina looked confused and quickly ran after her. Once she caught up they jog together.

"Jeez. Your pretty quick" Regina said as she joined the blonde in the same pace jog.

"Gotta keep you on your feet. So tell me what you want to achieve by the end of this" Emma asked the same boring questions she always has to.

"I just need to keep my fitness up. I was told your very good" Regina replied glancing across at the blonde.

"You were told right" Emma added with a smirk to the brunette returning the gesture.

The girls made small talk as they ran. Mostly running though. They ran for about an hour before heading back to the gym. They were stood outside the front catching there breath.

"It's such a hot day today" Regina sighed as she took her silly vest top off. Revealing a tight sports bra. The sun shined on her body and sparkled from her sweat. Emma was just looking at her forgetting to breath. "Pick up your lip darling" Regina said in a sassy way as she lifted the blondes jaw up.

"Shit. Sorry. Umm so we're done for today. Your clearly very fit so I will do a fitness plan for you tonight" Emma explained as she looked away a little embarrassed.

"Alright thank you swan" Regina smiled while using her top to dry the sweat from her chest. She went to walk into the building before looking back at the blonde. She took a piece of paper out and wrote a number on it. "Here. Call me"

"I have all your details on the file" Emma questioned a little confused as she looked at the piece of paper.

"That's not for my file. It's for you" Regina replied as she winked before walking towards the building again.

She gathered her things and quickly left. Not saying a word to the blonde she passed. Regina got in her car and drove into the city. She parked her car outside a diner. Waiting patiently as she fixed a long blonde wig on. She saw a man walking out. Causing her to exit the car and follow him. She then hunched down and held her ankle.

"Excuse me? Please sir" Regina called out in a innocent cry for help. The guy looked round and saw her hurt. He walked back towards her a little concerned. "I hurt my ankle. Can you help me"

"Of course. Let's move out the way" he replied helping her into the ally next to them. He sat her down on the ground. "Are you ok"

"Yeah... Thanks Mark" Regina said as she looked up at him with a smile.

"How do you know my na-" he started to asked but Regina quickly sat forward and slit his throat.

Mark fell to the floor clinging to his throat. Slowly dying from loss of blood. Regina smiled as she stood up and wiped the blood from her knife. She took the wig off and shook her hair into place.

"Next time pay your worth... Mark" Regina smirked as she spoke to the dead con artist.

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