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[ Regina's pro ]

Me and Emma are led on the floor naked with a blanket over us to keep the winter breeze off us.We're not asleep. Just cuddled close with my eye closed. My head is on her chest and I don't want to move in case the moment ends. It was quiet and nice.

"Gina" Emma whispered as she gently stroked the top of my head. I moved my head to look up at her but keeping it on her chest. She smiled and moved a strand of hair behind my ear. "Just checking to see if your awake"

"Yeah I am but im surprised after that. You tired me out" I replied with a chuckle and a smile up at her because I miss this so much.

"As did you. God that was good" Emma sighed in exhaustion as she stretched her arms out as far as she could.

"Wait... is Quinn still out there? Did she hear us having sex" I quickly asked as I suddenly became very self conscious of my naked self.

"No she would of heard and ran out. Quinn has good hearing and well I wasnt exactly quiet" Emma replied smirked down as me with a double eyebrow raise.

I chuckled as i moved up to be closer to her face. Slowly joining our lips togther in a loving kiss. My hand slowly moved up her chest and to her cheek. It was only a soft kiss and after a few seconds we parted but it was amazing. I looked into her eyes and remembered how much I missed them.

"I'm gonna regret saying this but what now" I asked immediatly regretting it and looking away from her face.

"I don't know. I'm scared. I don't want to get hurt like that. Not again" Emma replied softly as she looked down a little upset.

"I'll tell you anything you want to know. Ask away" I insist knowing there is nothing worse I can tell her.

"You said something about your dad being in the mafia right" Emma questioned as she turned her gaze to the ceiling and sighed softly.

"Yeah. He was the leader of the mafia. He died along with the rest of my mother and all my brothers. Leaving me with mateo" I replied as I copied her and looked to the ceiling making sure my words were soft.

"How many did you have? Brothers I mean"

"6. I was the youngest"

"Jeez that must have been a busy house" Emma chuckled as she threw a small glance my way then back to the ceiling.

"Your mums adopted loads of kids" I replied laughing too as I looked at her and kept my gaze to her.

"She adopted 5 at different times. That's a lot different to 7 children"

"If you say so. Growing up with 6 brothers was tough but it also meant I was well protected. Heck one even saved my life the day them died" I replied as I thought about that horrid say I lost them.

"I'm sorry for your lost Gina" Emma softly said as she placed her hand on mine but didnt move her eyes from the ceiling.

"You haven't called me that in awhile" I said smiling at the nickname only she could call me.

"I have more questions" Emma said as she move her hand and placed it in her other hand so ours weren't touching. "Why after your family dying did you continue to kill"

"I never had a choice. Mateo carried on training me and told me if I didn't kill he'd kill me. I told you. Kill or be killed" I shamefully admitted knowing I should have known it was wrong.

"Why did you never leave" she asked as her breathing picked up but her eyes stayed locked on the ceiling.

"No where to go. I was 13 when they died and all my money I ever earnt was from killing when I was 17. I had no where" I softly replied as I looked at her in hope to catch her gaze.

"Why did you do this to me? Why did you give me your number knowing I'd call? Why did come into my life and make me fall in love with you?! WHY DID YOU ASK ME TO FUCKING MARRY YOU" Emma snapped as the anger grew inside her but her eyes never left the ceiling.

"BECAUSE I LOVED YOU" I snapped back as I sat up and looked over to her annoyed she didnt know this answer already. She didnt move the slightest bit. "I saw you that first day and I felt something. I'd never felt this before but it was a strong feeling that I liked. Every decision I made with you I had a voice in my head telling me its ok and you'll understand. I tried not to love you. I tried not to fall for you. I just couldn't" I softly said as I felt tears build in my eyes and held her hand. She still didnt move. "I miss being with you... I miss you so much"

She just stayed there. I sighed as i led back down next to her. Looking at the ceiling to copy her move. Thats when i noticed what she was looking at. A dark liquid stain. I know its water but because of the cream paint it could be mistaken for blood. I was about to speak but didnt get the chance.

"I miss the sound of you singing around the house" Emma softly said turning her gaze to me and smile the slightest bit at me.

"My singing? You'd always tell me I sang way too much"  I chuckled making sure my eyes locked with her even for a moment.

"You did. Everything you said you sang... but I guess not having it around makes me miss it" Emma replied with a sigh and a sad face as she looked back at the ceiling.

"After all that we've been through
I will make it up to you
I promise you"

I sang knowing I proved her right about singing everything I want to say. I was looking at her the whole time with a slight smile. Her gaze turned to me nd she smirked. Silently telling me I told you so. We then both started laughing together. As we did her hand fell on mine causing me to hold it. Our laughter died down and we smiled at each other.

"Dickhead" Emma sighed as she shook her head and chuckled a little.

I made the slightest giggle and locked eyes with her. Soon hers fell shut and she moved a little closer. I met her half way and joined our lips. Deepened straight away. I don't know whats happening between me and Emma but I have a strong feeling I havent lost her. Not yet. Emma then pulled away and looked at me confused.

"How are we getting out? Quinn locked the door" she asked looking a little worried that we'd be stuck in the room.

"There's a key on the fire place" I replied with a shrug before leaning back in to kiss her.

"So why didn't you let us out earlier" Emma asked as she raised an eyebrow at me a little annoyed.

"I forgot?"

"Sneaky bitch"

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