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[ Regina's pro ]

Later that day. I was sat on the sofa watching TV. My stomach hurting a little every minute. I think I ate something earlier. Maybe that burger I had for lunch. I don't know. I just softly rub it when the pains come to sooth the babies. I then heard the front door open.

"Honey I'm home" Emma said mockingly as she came towards the lounge. She had a few shopping bags full of food in her hands and dropped them on the floor. "There's my beautiful balloon"

"There's my bitch of a girlfriend" I replied glaring at the stupid nickname she gave me. Emma laughed and kissed on my head. "Where's Blake" I asked knowing she was meant to pick him up from school.

"Shit" Emma replied with as her face dropped in realisation.

"Did you forget about him" I quickly asked sitting up in shock at what she done.

"Nah he's at my mums" Emma laughed as she started gathering the bags on the floor.

"You dick" I sighed in relief while slouching back down into my position.

"He wanted to sleep there so I dropped him off there" Emma added while heading to the kitchen to put the stuff away. After a few minutes she came back in and sat next to me. "So what did the doctor say"

"She said" I started but then felt the pain again" I sat forward a little out of the pain and rubbed my bump. "It's ok sweeties" I said softly to my babies as the pain died down. Once gone I moved my hand and looked back over to Emma. "Anyway. She said she will give you this medication. The one you were on before"

"Gina what was that" Emma asked looking at me then my bump confused.


"That pain you just had"

"Ow that. My stomach has been playing up the last hour. I get these pains every minute. It might have been the burger I ate earlier" I replied while turning back to look at the TV.

"Really painful pains every few minutes" Emma questioned looking across at me confused.

"Yeah. Did you get them when you were pregnant with Blake" I asked glancing across her her before the TV.

"Yes when I was pushing him out. Gina I think your in labour" Emma replied as she sat up quickly with a smile.

"Ow thank god. It's about time" I sighed in relief the babies are finally coming.

"We better get to the hospital because baby were having our babies" Emma excitedly said as she smiled brightly and reached to hold my hand.

"Yeah we are" I added smiling just as much as she is. I then felt another pain. Well contraction I guess. This one hurt. I called out in pain not able to help it. Emma then started breathing quickly. "Not now. I'm sorry baby" I quickly said knowing me screaming caused this.

"Shit" Emma screamed as her eyes squeezed shut and she stood up from the sofa.

Emma was fight the air like something was holding her. She then grabbed her hair and started screaming in fear. Emma dropped to the floor crying and screaming. I tried to get myself off the floor as quick as I could. It was hard being this heavily pregnant. I sat down and pulled her fighting body into mine.

"Calm down. It's ok" I soothed as I kept her head against my chest.

"Get off me" Emma fought as she wiggled and screamed out my grip.

Once she's like this she doesn't realise I'm here. She only sees the accident in her eyes. I then felt another contraction. I called in pain and loosed my grip. This caused Emma to get out and fall onto her side.

"Em" I said as I reached out still in pain from the contraction I'm having.

"Help me" Emma sobbed while rolling on the floor so scared her shadow would frighten her.

I know what she wants me to do but I really don't want to do it. I started crying as I watched her suffering in so much fear and pain on the floor. Remembering all the suicidal thoughts and hatred this has brought on her. I know what I have to do for her. I just don't know if I can.

"I'm so sorry mi amor" I whispered as I reached out to hold her waving hand.

"STOP! HELP" Emma screamed as she tried pulling her hand away from me.

I reached across and opened the coffee table draw. Inside was my knife with my brother initials on. I held it in my hand. Shaking violently. Tears down my face. I looked over at Emma as she screamed so loud and sat up so scared. One of her waving hands hit me across the face. Slapping me hard. This triggered me. In an act of rage I stabbed the knife into the temple of her head. Killing Emma instantly.

"NO!' I screamed in shock at what I done. I watched the blood running out the side of her head. The knife still in. The life slowly left her green eyes and they felt shut once again. "No... What did I do? Why did you make me do this"

I started crying as I took her body into my arms and held it close to me. I sobbed on her body as I never meant for this to happen. I kissed her lips softly noticing she is already getting cold. I then felt a painful contraction. I called out in pain as I let her body fall back to them floor. Gripped the side of the sofa as I felt the pain through my body. Screaming out loud as I went into labour.

A few months passed. I had the babies next to Emma's body since I couldn't move. I left them in a basket outside Abbie and Arianna's with a letter requesting they look after my babies. I named the boy Justin because that is the name Emma chose for him. The girl I chose to name after my love. Emma Swan. I'm now in prison. Even with immunity I decided to be locked away. I'm dangerous.

"Mills. Letter" a guard said as he through it into my private cell.

Because I'm so dangerous I was put in a cell alone. They didn't trust I wouldn't kill my cell mate. Why would they trust me? I killed a woman I said I was in love with. A woman I am in love with. I opened the letter and saw in capital letters CALL ME. Under was a number. I took the letter and went to the phone. Dialling it and placing it to my ear. Someone answered but I didn't speak.

"Who is this" I demanded in a stern voice.

"How's my little girl doing? I thought I raised you not to go to prison" a man said with a voice I recognise from anywhere.


"Well done"

"What do you want" I asked annoyed as I gritted my teeth.

"I told you dating her was a bad idea. You just ended up in prison and she died in the end anyway" Mateo replied with a sigh at the end and a laugh.

"Fuck you. I killed her because she was in sever pain" I snapped in angry at the disrespect he gave me.

"Keep telling yourself that. Anyway I'm calling because I can get you out of here. I can break you out" Mateo said growing quieter like he is in a secret place.

"I don't need your help. Thanks to you I'll never see my children again. Or my family. I'm the criminal you made me. This is where I belong" I simply replied before hanging up the phone and leaning on the wall in small tears.

This is my home now.

The end

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