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[ Emma's pro ]

I don't want to let her in or talk to her. After what Regina done to me I can't forgive her. I mean she's a serial killer for god sake. Then again she's not stupid. There must be a good enough reason she is here. I'm looking at her face and I can see she is really begging for me to talk. I have my family over right now. I don't want them hearing.

"Alright. We can talk out here but it has to be quick. I'm meant to start cooking dinner soon for my family" I replied with a sigh as I stepped out of the house and closed the door behind me.

"Emma I'm so sorry. I want you to know I never wanted to kill anyone. Ever. Mateo had lots of things he used against me to make me do it but I stood up for myself today and I kicked his ass. He's leaving forever which means I don't ever have to kill another person again" Regina explained appearing like she was trying to get everything out all at once.

"But you still have and you kept it a secret from me for a year. You made me fall in love with you and asked me to marry you while you were killing people. I don't understand why you done that to me. Tell me. Tell me why you made me love you and want a future with you" I asked with a harsh frown as all my feelings I'm trying to hide come out.

"You want to know why? I walked into that gym the first day after having a huge fight with Mateo that ended very badly. I looked up from my phone and saw you. I liked you already just looking at you. When you spoke to me it was so obvious you were nervous I found it unbelievably cute. After that I was so happy with you that I couldn't leave you. Mateo kept trying to make me but I loved you so much. I love you so much" Regina replied as she was holding my hands the whole time she spoke with passion in her voice.

"You should have been more careful then" I simply said as I took my hands from hers and turned to the door.

Regina grabbed my arm and spun me around. Causing us to be stood closer together than we were before. Subconsciously we both moved that little bit closer. Her hands fell upon my shoulders and slowly started moving up my neck before landing on my checks.

"I'm so sorry. I can promise you right now that I'd never kill another person. I can promise I'll never hurt you or anyone. I can promise you I want to be with you forever" Regina softly said in a quiet tone as she looked lovingly into my eyes. I can't forgive her. I was going to pull away but she spoke again. "I promise  you. I love you with all my heart" 

"Why are you here" I sighed as I took her hands away and stepped back awkwardly.

"Three reasons I'm here. One is to apologise to you. I know you'll never forgive me for what I done and I don't expect you to but I have to say how sorry I am. I have to say how much I love you and I wish we met after this happened but if I could go back and redo it I wouldn't. I love you too much to give it up" Regina explained as she locked her eyes with mine and spoke passionately.

"And what's the other reasons" I asked looking down awkwardly since I don't want to say anything to that.

"To say goodbye to blake is another. That boy is like a son to me and I love him just as much as you. I refuse to leave without a proper goodbye to him. I won't forgive myself if he thinks I'm a monster too" Regina replied with a genuinely sad face like she actually meant it.

"Ok but only because he cried for three nights because you were gone. I'm only doing this for his sake not yours" I said as I crossed my arms in a stern way to make my point known.

"He did?"

"Third reason Regina"

"Sorry. The third is to give you these" Regina replied as she held a set of keys toward me.

"What are they" I asked looking confused at what she was holding to me.

"The keys to my house and car. After what I've done to you it's the least I can give you. You and Blake should live somewhere better than this. I don't expect you to forgive me but I want you to have a good and happy life. It's big enough for you and Blake and the lucky girl you marry and all your children and... I'm getting carried away" Regina replied as she looked down upset but still holding the keys to me.

"I can't take your house Regina. Or your car" I sighed as if she's stupid which she is.

"It's the least I can do. Please take them. Don't worry I won't be there" Regina begged as she shoved the keys into my hand. "I'll come back tomorrow and say goodbye to blake. I don't want to upset him or anything while your family is there"

Before I could speak she gave me a small smile and walked away. Her head lowered and her body slumped. She usually struts with so much power. This is just powerless.

"Wait" I quickly said in hope she'd turn around to look at me. She turned around looking so upset and weak. I've never seen her look like that before. I tossed her the keys she gave me knowing I can't take it. "I don't think your a monster. you're just not the girl i fell in love with"

Regina looked at the keys and sighed. She gave me a slight nod and looked back down. She looked as if she wanted to go but something was making her stay. Her eyes kept glancing to me then dropping in shame.

"Take your eyes off of me so I can leave. I'm far too ashamed to do it with you watching me" Regina requested as she looked down with her eyes closed like she was going to cry.

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