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[ Regina's pro ]

Its a month later now. I'm sat in the waiting room of the doctors office with Emma next to me. Today is my gender reveal scan. Since Blake was at school today Emma was able to come.

"Girl or boy" she asked glancing across at me as she held my hand and smiled.

"I want a girl but judging by my family history it's gonna be a boy" I replied thinking about how many brothers I had.

"You never know. I recon it will be a girl" Emma chuckled as she nudged me a little in hope to get a smile from me.

"I don't mind to be fair" I shrugged as I looked down at my hand and nervously picked at my nail.

"What's up Gina? You've been like this all morning" Emma asked with a sigh as she turned my head to look up at her.

"Nothing... nothing honest" I lied moving my head back down since she can tell when I lie.

"Don't lie to me Mills. What is it" Emma sternly ordered as she turned her body more to face me.

"Its just... well I was watching the news this morning. They have the best detective in America to figure who is killing all these different people and leaving cards with their names and crime" I replied nervously since I'm actually worried how she will react to that. She just looked confused at me like she had no idea what I'm talking about. "Me Swan" I sighed knowing she didn't get a word I said.

"Wait they have the best detectives looking into your murders" Emma asked a little too loud for my liking because someone could have heard.

"Shout it to the world Swan why don't you" I sighed with an eye roll at the woman's stupidity.

"Are you serious though? Are you getting caught" Emma quickly asked as she started to grow worried and fearful.

"I don't think so. Mateo had someone working on my case before so I'd never get caught. They now have real detective's. Good detective's" I replied trying to keep myself calm but starting to worry a little.

"Gina you better not get fucking caught. I only just got you and I'm not loosing you to this shit" Emma sternly said as if I could control it.

"I wont. I have a plan and something to bargain with. The information I have they will never put me in jail" I replied as I held her hand to help reassure her.

"You better not" Emma tried to say sternly but ended up giggling a little.

"Regina Mills" A woman cut us off as she came into view and called out to the room.

"Let's go" I quickly said knowing I need to know what the gender is now.

Emma giggled as she followed behind me and we went to the room the woman led us to. I led on the bed and Emma next to me. I held her hand a little nervously because I'm still praying this all goes well. She gave me a small smile meaning a return was given back. The nurse then came in.

"Hiya again Regina. How's the pregnancy going" Debbie asked as she closed the door and walked towards us.

"Yeah. Not too bad. I've been sick a lot but its dying down now" I replied knowing its still early to feel anything properly yet.

"Awe good good. And who is this beauty you brough this week" Debbie asked with a chuckle as she looked up at Emma with a smile.

"This is my girlfriend Emma" I answered with a smile to the blonde who winked down at me.

"Nice to meet you. So Regina get your top up and lets find out the gender of your baby"

I lifted my top over my stomach enough for her to do the scan. I looked towards the doctor which meant I didn't see Emma placing her hand on my stomach. As I looked round I noticed she was rubbing my stomach with her thumb and smiling at it.

"Your starting to really show" Emma whispered mostly to herself as she just looked at my tiny bump. I giggled a little causing her to look at me with a goofy smile. "God it reminds me of when I had Blake. I was huge"

"Ow Emma you have kids" Debbie asked as she was getting the gel ready while also looking at us.

"A son yes. Do you" Emma replied still rubbing my stomach and glancing back down to it.

"Yeah. 3 actually. Me and my husband had triplets together" Debbie replied with a slight sigh of exhaustion.

"God thats a lot" I replied now starting to dread if thats a possibility.

Mateo was a twin. Not identical but still a twin. Two of my brother's were twins. Shit. I can't have twins. I'm overthinking. Debbie squeezed the gel on my stomach and placed the untrasound scan on my stomach. Moving it around to find my baby.

"There we go. So you want to know the gender yes" Debbie asked to double check with us while still looking at the screen.

"Yes please!" I practically begged knowing this is what I am excited about.

"It's a... ow... umm it turns out your having twins" Debbie replied looking at the screen very carefully.

"WHAT" I asked loudly as I sat up in pure shock at this.

"Are you serious" Emma also asked this time calmer than me.

"Yes. Your having twins. You can see the lining of the head there and the extra leg" Debbie replied with a chuckle as she pointed it out on the screen.

"NO! I cant have twins. Thats one too many. Heck! It's two too many" I said very quickly as I began panicking at having twins.

"Regina it will be fine. Having twins may be a little harder but you will still be just as an amazing mum to them as you would for one" Emma reasured as she rubbed her hand on my shoulder and her other hand on mine.

"I can tell you both there genders now" Debbie softly said looking at us for a gesture to begin. I took a deep breath and nodded to her. "Your having a boy and girl. One of each"

Thats when it hit me. I'm having two beautiful babies that will love me forever and I the same for them. I'm getting two angels for the price of one horrid act.

"Em I'm... we're having twins"

"Yeah we are baby"

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