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[ Regina's pro: memory ]

I was sat in front of my mother's lap. My wet hair in her fingertips as she attempts to plat the whole thing. It's so long and thick I can't do it. I'm looking at her in the mirror as I build up the courage to speak.

"Mama" I softly said just to get the slightest bit of her attention.

"Yes my darling" she replied barely even looking up from her busy fingers.

"What if I don't want to be like dad and all the others? What if I want to be normal" I bravely asked knowing this will be a real blow up in my face.

"Ugh I knew you would ask this one day. I just didn't think you would at 13" mother sighed like she was more annoyed at herself than me.

"I don't want to be a killer mama. I want to go off and have a real life. Travel the world" I said with a bright smile at the thought of doing all of this.

"My darling don't be silly. You were born into the Mafia. You are the mafia's daughter. You'll never be normal" mother laughed like I was honestly the most stupid person for asking this.

"I don't want to kill. I don't want to be in the Mafia. I didn't choose this" I sighed in annoyance at the burden of my life.

"Well this is your life. This is the life you were born in. This is the life you have. Accept it Regina. Whether you want to be or not you'll grow up to be a killer and you will fight along side your brothers in the Mafia. Do you understand me" mother sternly ordered as she held my hair in her tight grip and glared at me through the mirror.

"Yes mama. I understand" I quickly replied hiding the pain from my head and wished she'd stop soon.

"Good" she softly said letting her grip loosen enough for the hair to just sit in her hands. "Don't ever bring this back up"

I simply nod because I know I'll somehow say something wrong if I speak. My mother finished platting my hair in record time since we had to go. She tapped my head signaling for me to stand. I grabbed my jacket from the bed and quickly put it on. Following my mother out the room and downstairs. There I saw all my older brothers and father. I have 6 brothers. All older than me.

"It's about time Regina" father said in a strong Spanish accent with a chuckle as he held his muscular tanned arms out to me.

"Sorry papa. I was having my hair done" I replied as I hugged my father in a tight embrace.

"Well happy birthday my gorgeous girl"

He may be the Mafia king but he is so kind to us. As a father I couldn't ask for a better one. As a human he is a monster. He treats our family with so much respect and protection. He'd rather die slowly and painful that have any of us die quickly. I love my father so much. He's one of the only reasons I haven't ran away yet.

"You girls and your hair ay" he chuckled as he split apart and he held my shoulders in his hands. "Remember what I told you"

"If I feel in danger come to you" I replied repeating the words he always tells me.

"Good. Your my little girl. I want you safe" he softly praised with a warm smile across his loving face. I smiled back to show I was grateful for his words. He chuckled a little as he looked around at the boys. "Alright get your weapons"

The oldest of us all stood first. He's 21 and named Raymond. After him is 19 year old Diego. Then the twins Fernando and Rafael who are 18. After them is Jamie and he is 16. Finally is Santiago who is 15. I'm the youngest at 13. It sucks being the youngest but they are all so protective over me which makes me feel more safe. The boys all grab there guns and get excited while loading them. I went over and looked at them. I didn't know what one to use.

"Mi hermana. Are you ok" Raymond asked as he hunched down a bit and put his arm around me.

"Yeah I'm fine. I just dont know what one I want. I'm not really a gun person" I replied still looking at all of the different guns I could choose from.

"Here. Take this" Raymond said as she took his knife from his pocket and held it to me. On the side was engraved RM for his initials. It was the knife he always had on him. He never went anywhere without it. "It brings me luck and it will bring you luck too. I know you'd prefer a knife"

"But you always have this"

"And now you always have it"

I smiled slightly at my oldest brother as I hugged him tight. He knows I'm not a killer in this family but also knows we don't have a choice. Raymond helps make it a little easier.

"Alright everyone. Let's go" father said loudly to get everyone's attention and cheer them on.

That's as much as I remember from the day. The rest is still a black out to this day. All I remember is waking up in an upsidedown car in a junk yard. I had blankets over me to hide the fact I was there. I climbed out the car and looked around. Bodies everywhere. I don't remember the fight at all. I looked at all of them lying dead when I noticed my mother.

"Mama? MAMA!" I shouted as I ran over to realise she isn't alive. Tears stung my eyes and I looked away from her bloody body. That's when I saw my father. Lying similar to mother. My heart sunk into my chest as all my tears burst out. "No! Papa no!" I sobbed not able to move from my mother's side.

As I looked around more I noticed all the dead people. My brother's. They all resemble my mother and father the way they lie. They must have hid me away so I didn't die. They are all dead. I sat sobbing on my mother's lifeless chest when a hand touched my shoulder. Causing me to jump and look round. It was Mateo. My fathers right hand in the Mafia.

"Come on Regina. Let's get you home" he softly offered with the most reassuring look on his face.

"What happened Mateo? What did miss"I asked still sobbing and not able to even more.

"Your father's men bailed. You nearly got shot but Rafael jumped in front to protect you. It caused you to hit your head. I moved you and hid you there. I only survived because your father ordered me to hide you" Mateo explained looking as if he would cry but was trying hard to hold it in.

"What happens now? What do I do without a mother or father" I questioned as I looked at my mother and cried even more about her death.

"I am going to raise you. Come on Regina"

I sat up quickly in my bed. Breathing heavily and sweating lots. My hand gripping the covers over me tightly. I started to calm down and slow my breaths. Another dream about my family's death. I can't keep doing this. Almost every night I'm in bed alone I dream of it. I can't keep seeing this. Tears started to come to my eyes as I picked up the knife next to my bed and looked at it. My brother's knife. 

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