Chapter 2

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I'm skipping a few months that way Courtney can do a little more. Just a heads up.

Harry's pov

It has been 7 months since Courtney was born and she is already crawling! Louis and I have had to baby proof the house. Louis and I have also noticed that Darcy has been becoming a little jelous of her little sister. She sometimes yells at Courtney but we have never seen her hit her which is good. Louis and I have been trying to spend an equal amount of time with both Courtney and Darcy so she doesn't feel like we don't love her. Harry and I have also started using sign language with Courtney and she just giggles and laughs.

"Harry!" I heard Louis yell

I looked up to see my smiling fiance.

"Are you okay?" I asked concerned

"Why are you so happy?" I asked

"I got the job! I got the job at the day care! Now we can put the girls in day care and what's even better is they'll be at the day care I work at!" Louis said excitedly. For as long as I can remember Louis has always wanted to be a teacher specifically a drama teacher but if he's happy being a daycare teacher I'm fine with that. I just want my boo to be happy.

"When do you start?" I asked

"Thursday" Louis said exciedly. Louis then hugged me and kissed me.

"I'll see if I have to work on thursday." I said wanting to see my babies go to day care. Louis just smiled until we heard a loud cry. Louis and I ran into the next room to see Courtney crying and Darcy angry.

"What is going on?!" I yelled

"She tried to take my dolly!" Darcy yelled and Louis ran over and picked a crying Courtney up to look and see if she was okay.

"Harry she has a bump on her forehead" Louis said worriedly

"Darcy did you hit your sister?" I said angrily

"Y-yes b-but s-she-" Darcy stuttered but I cut her off by picking her up "You're going to your room for 4 minutes" I said and put her at her little desk.

"Do not come out or we will start all over again until you stay there" I said angrily and went down stairs

"Is she okay?" I asked Louis and looked at Courtney who was trying to reach for my necklace. I took her out of Louis' arms so she was in mine and she grabbed my necklace to look at it.

"She's fine now. Where's Darcy?" Louis asked

"In her room for four minutes" I said and set Courtney down and started on dinner. I heard little bear on the TV which meant Louis was probably watching it with Courtney. Am I a bad father for putting my little girl in time out? She has to realize that she can't hurt her little sister. I then looked at the clock to see it has been four minutes.

"Louis! Can you go get Darcy. I'm cooking dinner." I said

"Sure!" Louis said from the hall as I continued to cook dinner.

Louis' POV

"Darcy" I said opening my oldest daughter's door.

"Daddy!" Darcy said and ran over to me with tears in her eyes

I bent down and picked her up to wipe her tears.

"Why you crying?" I asked curiously even though I probably knew the answer.

"Papa mean! He pwut me timeowt" Darcy said

"Do you know why he put you in time out?" I asked

"I hit sissy" Darcy said sadly

"It's not nice to hit princess. Let's go say sorry to Papa and sissy" I said and brought Darcy downstairs into the kitchen where Harry was finishing set up the table and Courtney was in her high chair.

I then set Darcy down and I pushed her forward

"Harry, Darcy wants to say something" I said and Harry looked at Darcy.

"I sowwy papa. I sowwy I huwt sissy" Darcy said and Harry bent down to his knees

"It's okay princess. No more hitting" Harry said and kissed her forehead. She then smiled and I helped her in her seat and we all had dinner. Then we all went to bed awaiting a new day.


Today was the day that I started my new job. Luckily Harry was able to get off for today. We were going to their new Daycare that I'll work at which is called Bright Beginnings. Courtney would be in the infant room and Darcy would be in the toddler room. I was going to be teaching Kindergarden.

Once I signed both of my kids in Harry and I each took a picture with the kids on the first day and then one together. I then kissed Harry and he left to relax on his day off.
Now the fun begins "okay kids center time!" I said just as we finished a story. The kids were then put in different centers while I helped with art. We were making mini mes to match our all about me lesson. After centers we had a lesson and I gave the kids their homework sheet and we had snack time and then play time. After playtime it was nap time and then music time. After music time the kids went to centers again until their parents came. I just hope I won't have any problems with parents with me being gay. Only time will tell. After my last kid was picked up I clocked out and got my daughters and we went home to see Harry asleep on the couch. Sadly that changed when Darcy jumped on him.

"Wake up Papa!" Darcy said causing Harry to groan and rub his eyes

"Tired babe?" I said with a smirk

"Very. How was daycare princess?" Harry asked

"Fun! I make fwiend her name Mia!" Darcy said excitedly

"Good for you. Go wash up for dinner"

Darcy then ran off and Harry took Courtney from my arms

"Can we just go to nandos? I don't feel like cooking tonight" Harry said

"Yeah sure is everything okay?" I asked concerned

"I have to work a double tomorrow so I will be home really late" Harry sighed

"It's okay everythings fine" I said with a smile and we went to nandoes

After nandoes we went home put out girls to bed and fell asleep in each others arms.

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