Chapter 16

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(I'm fast forwarding to when they are a little older. Darcy is 15 and Courtney are 13. Mason and William are 11. There may be another kid on the way. Who knows 🤫)

Harry's POV
"Come on Darcy! I have to get ready too!" I heard from the hallway. I groaned and saw that Louis was asleep. He looked tired, he was puking all last night. I think he's pregnant again but he refuses to believe me.
"Darcy come on!" I groaned and got up out of bed and puts some shorts on over my boxers.
"What's with all the yelling." I groaned.
"Sorry papa. Darcy is hogging the bathroom and I need to shower before school." Courtney said.
I then banged on the door.
"I told you. You snooze you lose Courtney!"
"Darcy open up." I heard my dad say.
"Hi papa!" Darcy said with a grin.
"Darcy, you can't hog the bathroom. You have to share with your siblings."
"Why can't she just use yours? Or one of the others?"
"Because my stuff is in here too and the others don't have a shower plus I'm not trying to walk in on papa and dad doing it." Courtney said.
"Hey young lady." I said.
"Sorry." Courtney said.
"Darcy out now." I said.
"But papa." Darcy whined.
"Now." I said and she hugged and stormed to her room. I sighed.
"Thanks papa." Courtney said.
"Welcome. Now hurry or you will be late." Courtney then ran into the bathroom. I then knocked on the twins door.
"Alright you two both of you up. You have school." I said and they both groaned.
"Fine. I guess I'll just go tell dad to make sure he embarrasses you both today!" I said and began to walk out but they both said "We're up!" I laughed and then went downstairs to make breakfast.
"Morning love." Louis said as he came downstairs dressed and kissed me.
"Well hello Mr. Stylinson. Ready for your first day?" I asked.
"As ready as I'll ever be. I hope it goes well." Louis said nervously.
"You'll be fine."
"I hope so. I mean who would think I would go from being a daycare teacher to a middle school theatre teacher."
"Yeah and who would have thought that I would open my own bakery." I said and we kissed.
"If you kids aren't down here in 5 minutes, you are taking the bus!" Louis shouted and we heard steps. All the kids piled into the kitchen and started eating.
"Are you okay Louis?" I asked. After he ate some bacon he seemed a little off.
"Yeah I'm fine." He said. "Alright in the car now or we will be late." They all then got into the car.

Louis' POV
I dropped Darcy off at the high school and once we were at the middle school, I got out with the twins and Courtney.
"Well I'll see you later dad." Courtney said.
"Right. Oh here is your IEP. Make sure to give it to your teachers." I said.
"Right." Courtney said and ran off. I sighed. This was going to be a fun year. What could go wrong?

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