Chapter 6

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It has been about 2 and a half months since Harry and I's honey moon and I have not been feeling well. I am constantly throwing up, having food cravings, and mood swings. I don't know what's wrong with me. Harry's mom is watching the girls while Harry and I go to the doctors to see what's wrong.

"What if I'm dying?" I asked

"You're not dying love" Harry said and helped me out of the car

We walked into the doctors office and Harry had to fill out some paper work. While he was doing that I noticed that I have gained a little bit of weight. That's odd unless......I hope I'm proved wrong. Harry and I can't handle another one now. We're already barely getting by as it is. I'm a teacher and he works at a bakery and he's trying to balance school too. What are we gonna do?

"Louis Stylinson?" I heard a nurse say and had Harry help me up and we walked into a room.

"What seems to be the problem?" the doctor asked

"I am constantly throwing up, having mood swings and cravings" I said

"Well lay down, lift your shirt up and we'll have a look" the doctor said

I did what she said with Harry holding my hand.

"This will be a little cold" the nurse said and put a gel on my stomach while looking at the machine.

"Well I can see why you were feeling that way Mr. Stylinson" the doctor said

"What's wrong with him?" Harry asked worriedly while gently squeezing my hand.

"Louis here is pregnant. With twins! Two months and a half months to be exact. Congratulations!" The nurse said

"W-what?! I-I can't be!" I said scared

"I see you two need to talk. I'll go get copies of your sonograms" the doctor said and left

"Are you okay Lou?" I heard Harry asked

"How are we going to do it?! How? We already have two little girls. How are we going to handle two more little kids? What if they have a disablility like Courtney? What if-" I said

"Love you need to calm down. We can do it. We'll work something out. Who care's if they have a disability like Courtney we will still love them." Harry said and kissed me on the lips. The doctor came back and gave us our picturs of our sonograms and we left. Even though I think Harry and I aren't ready for two more kids I could not be more excited for them. I just hope I can provide for them. I hope harry and I can get through this.

(Louis' belly on the side)

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