Chapter 33

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Foul Mouthed Horse

"Percy." Hazel called out annoyingly. "We're with royalty, you can't just wander off whenever you see a horse, oh my Gods, he IS beautiful!" Hazel beamed immediately.

"Yeah, unfortunately he tries to kill anyone that goes near him." Hylla huffed, looking down at a long gash on her own arm.

"I'm tough to kill, I'll see if he likes me." Percy grinned walking forwards.

"Hey there fella, you look like a cute horse." Percy tried, completely unsure of what he was expecting. He was no son of Poseidon so he wasn't exactly expecting the horse to respond, but it did none the less.

'Fuck off shithead.' It growled at him. Percy stopped and deadpanned before straightening up again.

"You guys heard that right?" He asked them. Everyone in the room shook their head at him with a worried glare.

"What he say Perce?" Luke asked walking over, not nearly as close as Percy was, but closer than the rest.

"He told me to fuck off. And then he called me a shithead." He turned back to the horse with a glare. "You're pretty foul mouthed for a horse aren't you?" He asked with an amused glint in his eye.

"Yeah but your mom had an old foal in her mouth last night, so I guess it's all good." The horse replied.

"I could end you with a flick of my wrist you little son of a-" Luke placed his hand on Percy's shoulder when he saw Yggdrasil turn into a brilliant silver axe.

Percy took a deep breath before he dared to continue. "What's your name?" He ventured.

"Odin, because I fucked your-"

"Time to die horse!" Percy shouted in rage. The entire building shook as lightning raged and a miniature tempest shrouded every part of the room.

'Perseus calm down, this horse is vital to your quest, I won't warn you again.' Chaos pitched through into his mind and just in time. He huffed and walked away, letting the air clear.

"What the hell was that?" Frank asked in exasperation as everyone righted themselves. The ex queen and an escort of guards all came in at that moment.

"Your horse is a dick." Percy told Hylla.

'Hey dicknuts, tell that blonde pussy to feed me those gold chains on the floor and I might not kill you all and shit on your corpses!' The horse shouted out from its cage. Percy took one glance at the brown horse before flipping it off.

'Fuck you.'

"Yeah well fuck you too."


'I'm going to kill you. I don't care what Diana or Chaos says, I swear I'm going to kill you, then when I drag your corpse to Tartarus, I'll give you all of the gold you want." Percy glared at the horse.

"Wait, it eats gold? Why didn't you say so? I've basically got gold on tap." Hazel told them like it was common knowledge.

"Wait, you what? Hey, horse, if I feed you will you stop being a dick?"

'Eh, maybe.' Close enough. Percy grabbed the chains from the floor and walked over to the horse.

"What's your name." He said, dangling the tasty chains in front of the gaping maw of the horse.

'Arion. Son of Poseidon.'

"Hah, seriously? Hey, who am I to judge." Percy chucked the gold into the cage and the horse devoured it greedily.

'If that girl can summon gold, I'll sell you my soul.'

"Sure whatever, Hazel, I just got you a horse. Hylla, I'm taking your horse. Oh can you also give your support to Camp Jupiter, I think your sister is there, but I can't actually seem to remember who your sister is. Either way just speak to Reyna." Percy told her. Hylla was massively confused.

"Reyna IS my sister." Hylla pointed out.

"Oh, well then there you go. It's inherited memories." Percy made a strange motion with his hand before unlocking the cage. A brown blur went around the room before Arion finally stood tall and proud next to the others.

"How can none of you understand the horse except for me?" Percy asked curiously.

'One of my gifts Perseus.' Chaos told him.

'Lady Chaos, you told me not even an hour ago that you were dealing with an off planet issue and would be out of contact for some time, what gives?' Percy asked her neurally.

'Got bored. My second in command is dealing with it.' She responded childishly.

'You're the all-powerful omnipotent creator of the universe and you just happened to get bored dealing with a planet of your own subjects? For the Goddess that we all stem from you're quite childish, with respect milady.' Percy confirmed.

'Yes. Yes I am.' She responded with a giggle before he was left with nothing but accompanying silence.

"So let's go? I think we've dallied enough, we still need to free Thanatos. Ugh, you guys go ahead and I'll catch up. Lady Diana wants a report." Percy explained to the crew who just nodded. They knew that Percy had other duties to attend to. He flashed on top of the building and started to extract his wings once again.

'No I didn't.' Artemis' voice was clear inside his mind. He knew that Gods could sense when their names were called out.

'I know, but I want to kiss the beautiful woman in my life.' Percy countered as he quickly flashed away with a devilish grin on his face. A moment later and he was stood face to face with her in a quiet forest with a slight breeze rolling past them.

"I won't argue, though you'll have to catch me first." Artemis winked at him before she flashed further into the woods nearby. Percy couldn't help but smile, she was really making him fight for it.

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