Chapter 43

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Percy knew that it was getting stronger. It was a part of him and seeing as he'd recently become as strong as a number of Primordial Gods, it wouldn't be long before it came to fruition. It was already on talking terms and had explicated brief control over Perseus before.

'I'm bored.' It told him.

"You're always bored." Percy replied casually. He was getting himself ready for the battle at camp Jupiter. He'd arrive a day early so that he could ensure that everyone was ready. Of course he could just assume his ultimate power but he'd be confined away from the demi-Gods if anyone realized truly how powerful he was.

'Nyx is approaching by the way.' Percy's other aspect informed him.

Percy suddenly looked up into the mirror that adorned his bathroom wall. Standing lazily against the doorframe was Nyx herself.

"You put on a good show Percy, I'm impressed. All of that sheer power. It was very... Alluring." Nyx almost swayed from the door in her slightly swooning state.

"With respect Lady Nyx, I'm already spoken for." Percy straightened up. He donned his armor and started to place himself around his homestead, making sure that he was ready for the battle.

"Yes well, getting back to the point. You put on a good show Percy. Your fight with Galo didn't do so well for Gaea. It currently stands at Gaea alongside Tartarus and Hydros. Chaos cannot fight in this battle but we have you, it is evident that from the way you threw around Galo with no effort at all, you are clearly as powerful as a number of us. My husband put sixty percent of his power into Galo, and Aether did the same. Percy you demolished an immortal who was a fifth stronger than a Primordial." Nyx started to explain.

'Galo, what a shit name.' Percy's Greek side chimed in. Percy expertly ignored him.

"Your aspect is growing fast and he raises a solid point, though I believe that Galo's true name is something far removed, I think it starts with an A." Nyx mused to herself before getting back to Percy's alternate aspect, "He shall need a name soon." Nyx commented casually.

"You can feel the aspect?" Percy was shocked. Was she that powerful?

"Indeed. I suspect that it is only because of how powerful you are Percy. You need a name that will reflect upon what he will be symbolized for. He is very dissimilar to you though. He has a burning desire for destruction. He is what your Viking nature should be but for some reason, you have come out as the gentler being while he is the one who yearns to fight and destroy. How about, Armageddon?" Nyx smiled to herself.

'I like it. Tell her she's hot.' Armageddon said without missing a beat.

"I CAN hear you Armageddon." Nyx scowled.

'Well shit.'

"Indeed. Now hush before I separate you two and strike one of you down." Nyx grinned.

'Scary lady... She's turning me on to no small amount.' He laughed so wickedly that Percy was certain he was highly amused by the entire exchange.

"Back to the point at hand. Your show of power helped me to convince my husband to join the fight. Aether has pledged a number of troops to our cause and Hemera has offered her daughter's assistance." That was great news. Not only was camp Jupiter going to be fighting against the army at full strength, they had Nyx, Percy, Hemera's daughter and a thousand of Aether's soldiers. It should help balance things out.

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