Chapter 2: Haunting Past

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"Freya, Freya you need to get up."

"Five more minutes Brick," I grumbled.

"No, if you are dead set on seeming normal you have to come to hear the Oracle's rambles. It seems like you already halfway found out."

"Fine," I huffed. I slowly got then once Brick left I took a few moments to make myself presentable. I also went into the cooler and filled my water bottle with some B- blood.

I was on complete autopilot. The oracle would likely say one vague line that is completely meaningless then disappear. So why even bother. Brick actually had to stop me from bumping into things. We both sat at the back as Kaykrae started to go on about the first trial and the newbies going crazy about her poor phrasing.

They want to assess our skills. I did see one problem with that. When it was just four there wasn't any teaming, well unless you can the three of us ignoring each in favor of taking Michael down teaming. My point was that there was a much bigger group. The question was who to pick?

Brick as much as we are friends is likely to prideful to join a team. Brandeen was a person that I wouldn't mind creating an alliance with. The son of Aphrodite I also want to get a better read on. After this I knew that I would have to ask Brick about the other campers if I wanted to have a solid team. As good as it is to have an odd number team... I didn't know I just thought that I felt like something was going to go down.

Kaykrae then gave the rules when the oracle comes. I decided to pay attention if only to get a good laugh.

"Ahh... the new ones have arrived. Interesting. Interesting. Hmmm very interesting. I see that one of you has a dark destiny, one full of terror, one will be a great hero, and one will wake titian from the earth. Though this is something much more interesting in store for a non-new arrival. They will face many choices and though them they will decide the fates of many by deciding if they fall to death or rise to life. They will either consume death or they will be consumed by it. This will be interesting. Don't eat the coleslaw."

Too many eyes turned to my table but after a few seconds I realised was they weren't looking at me, Kaykrae even was barely looking at me, their eyes were all on Brick. You could almost see the tension in the air. Brick looked like he did not care but also like he didn't know what to do so I did.

"Guys there are other returning campers. Don't judge a man based solely on who his Father is. And even if it about him I think there are at least two other people here with prophecies that will possible end the world. I think that you should all get your priorities straight." I then got and flew off.

I just kept flying, not thinking about where I was heading but I was riding the air currents. I hadn't done this in quiet some time. It actual was probably about a year back. When I failed to protect him. I still don't know what form of creature that was. All I knew is that my life-drain didn't do jack nor could my summons. To that day I still didn't if he made it out of there alive. Though it was unlikely as he wasn't much of a fighter. I wished I could remember everything about him, but I couldn't tell anyone his name or what he looked like. Just that he was the one person that I felt like understood me, who understood being forced away from your love ones. He was my brother.

To get my mind off my most likely dead friend I turned my mind to what the oracle said. The one about returning camper was likely about me or Brick. It wouldn't make much sense for it to be about Ritchie or Michael.

Out of no where I just decided to dive down and touch back down on the ground. I was confused right up in till I saw what a few paces in front of me was, a tombstone. I wanted to go closer, but it wasn't my place to. I just ran away. I just ran room and cried myself to sleep. For the first time I allowed myself to grieve for Katelyn.

When I opened my eyes, I was in a dark room. It was made completely out of dark stone. There was a dark throne. I also wasn't in my normal clothes, instead of the normal street clothes I wore before I was in lose black fabric pants, a black sleeveless shirt with a belt and bits of chains and combat boots.

Then in the middle of the room out of nowhere a red orb appeared in the middle of the room. A male voice then accompanied it.

"Freya, my only daughter... listen as I am not sure how much time I have. You must find the orb and start using it. You will find it along as you stick to your plans and make allies with Brandeen. Brandeen will be able to get you to the realm you need to get the orb. Once you find it you must become as powerful as possible with it. Now grab the orb and leave this place for now."

I slowly inched towards the orb thought just as I was about to touch it's smooth surface, I heard another voice, a female one.

"Freya don't listen to his lies. You are not his kid; he just sees you for your power. Please listen to your I Mother and don't go looking for the orb. You already have all the magic you nee..."

"Stay away from my Daughter witch," the male voice screamed.

"She is my child. You will not use her as a tool. Do you not have enough children to carry out your wickedness? Must you also take mine? Is having the Aphrodite boy not enough to satisfy your greed?"

The two voices just went around in circles. Each just claiming the other was lying. Then I woke up gasping for air. I was used to being hungry when stressed but this time all I felt was a need to talk to someone. I slipped on my shoes and started to run through the camp in the dead of night.  

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