Chapter 3: Allies and Magic

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By time I stopped running around the camp looking for gods-knows-who the sun was peaking up on the horizon. I headed back to my cabin and went to refill my thermos. I then rethought my plans for the thousandth time. Come out of the gate strong or sit back and see what happens. Who I was when I first got to this camp would never thing about throwing a fight but I needed to put logic over pride.

Playing things smart also brings into the con that I am not Freya that the higher ups in this camp know. I shook my head. I need to find Brandeen. He may have some answers.

I flew around the camp till I found his cabin. I gave a sharp knock on the door.

"What?" he asked as he answered the door.

"Brandeen I was hoping that we could chat before the trial. I think that I have a proposal for you that you will see how profitable it will be."

"I'm listening."

"May I come in?" Brandeen stepped aside and closed the door behind me. I looked around the still no quiet finished room. "Nice set up."

"Skip the pleasantries." I smirked as I turned back to Brandeen.

"Right to business? My type of man. What I am aiming to do is to build a team of sorts. Supposedly there are multiple dark forces at work in the newcomers. At these kinda things there are always going to be cliques, you will have the popular one, the floaters then the outcasts. Which one do you think the two of us belong to and which one do you will take the blame for having dark destinies?"


"Yep and we can remain alone and with only ourselves to rely on or we can join forces and dominate the trials. Take this first one, we are looking at a free-for-all fight to the death. Knowing what I know of this place the only real rule will be no God given weapons and to win you have to be the last one standing. I don't know about you, but I see to clear loopholes. First good armor is key, enchanted non weapons are also Extremely valuable and lastly teaming. Enchanting and all things magic is kinda my thing. You are clearly physically strong. We could make a good pair. Plus, I am sure there are some other people we could recruit after the first trial. It should be a good way to see what everyone thinks of each other." Brandeen spent a few seconds going over what I said before he looked me dead in the eye and smirked.

"I think that this could be a start of a great partnership."

"I thought you would see it like that. Any other people that you think may be good to extend the offer to?" I asked.

"Hmmmm... I would have to talk to him, but Jake may not be a bad person to talk to."


"The son of Poseidon who believes himself to be the rightful owner of the trident."

"Well I will trust your judgement if you will trust mine."

"That sounds like you are planning to do something that you don't think I will agree with." I thought about my words carefully. I knew that telling him my personal reasons for wanting to protect Bryan were. Wait... Bryan? I wasn't paying attention to names, but I felt like I was sure that was Aphrodite's son name. I originally thought that I was defending him because of Katelyn but what if there was more that I didn't remember.

"I also want to chat with the Aphrodite boy. See if he falls on the side of chaotic good or chaotic neutral. The children of Aphrodite are always one of the two in my experience and if he is willing to use all his power then it would be much better to have him be an ally then an enemy. Though I will not be the one waking him up. If we are in agreement, then I will let you go speak Jake and I will get three sets of magic items. It is the best I will be able to do on short notice. Meet me at the gate to the camp ten minutes before the trial and I will give you what you need. I am going to assume that you want straight attack increase with a few added goodies mixed in. Sadly, armor crafting isn't really a spot I excel at."

"Well given what I know about most of the new campers the slighted advantage would almost certainly mean victory," He told me.

"True thought and equipment are two thirds of the battle. See you later, Brandeen." I then headed over to cabin and found Brick sitting on the steps.

"You were up early." He got up and walked to me.

"Ya, well I am doing what you should be doing... making allies. You heard what the oracle said. You are likely the one that people will think the last part was about you will need someone backing you or to make them seem like the bigger threat. Something that I know your pride won't allow. Which is why I am doing this, not just to secure myself but you to. Please just go back to sleep and let me work my magic."

"You know I can't do that."

"Well I can't say I am surprised I wish your answer was different." I summoned up Jester's Wand and casted a simple but effective sleep spell. I quickly glanced around to make sure there was no need for damage control before I looped my arm around him and pulled him up. "Have you been trying to actually turn yourself into a brick?"

I slowly heaved his heavy body to his bed. "I am only doing this because I care about you; you are the only one that I can keep at my side. You are the only one I can still claim as family and even though you will never replace Kay, Michael, Richard and Katelyn but that don't make me seeing you as a brother any less real. If only I could say that to your face maybe you would understand." I then turned around and headed to my cabin.

On the closet there was a black wooden box that I opened. It was full to the brim with iron rings, necklaces and bracelets. All of them had a spot for a stone. Well the box of ready to be enchanted jewelry was out in the open the gems were slightly more hidden. Shelve four on the left book seven. To anyone else it would look like every other of the old magic tomes but to me... well I could tell just by how the only magic on it was keeping the buckle from opening.

I grabbed the book and unbuckled it. Perfectly sorted and kept in such a way that none could move even if they came alive and tried to escape. I took out seven emeralds, four rubies and four sapphires.

I placed the gems in the jewelry and placed them in a circle. I sat down in the middle cross legged with my palms facing the roof. I closed my eyes.

I loved doing this, connecting to the magic that flowed through the world. Every nerve was brought to life and it felt like the power was flowing through my very veins. Whenever I tapped into the amount of magic that would be considered too much for someone, like say enchanting fifteen items at the same time my thoughts were turn dark.

'The power is mine. It is my birthright to wield such power; I could be the queen of this world. Bring all those that even so much as looked at me wrong to their knees. Bring Olympus down and usher in a new age with a new generation in charge. I could do it so will never have to watch another person I love die. Hell, I could likely even bring Lyn back with my power. I could do anything and anything that would stand in my way would wither before they even got close. I was a goddess and everyone else are nothing but flies.'

I knew I should be worry about those thoughts but instead I found comfort in them. I was extremely powerful and could use that to make sure my family stays safe. 

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