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(in which Brian has asthma)

"It's a quick shot," Alex had told the gang as the traveled out to the car, "Seth, I need you to be on the car's roof-" "What?!" "DON'T worry! We won't go too fast, Tim and Jay will be holding onto you, you'll be fine!"

"Seth will be recording from there, I'll be driving and Jay and Tim will be holding onto Seth, while Brian," Alex turned to look at him, Brian straightened himself upwards, hands in the pockets of the gray sweater he was wearing that day, "You will be running after the car, as to capture the feeling of you trying to move forwards in life, move onto the next chapter."

That caused Brian to frown a bit, before stifling it and nodding, "Alright," He hopes he brought his inhaler..

A quick shot. They were all told it would be a quick shot. It was the complete opposite of that. This was.. what, the 4th retry? Maybe the 5th? Whichever retry it was, it was starting to get painful. Maybe they were moving onto the 6th retry, that's probably correct..

Seth slid off the car, while the other three got out, Brian jogging up to greet them, repressing his heavy breathing as Alex started going off again, "No, no, no no no! It's not coming out right, one more try and then-" "We can take a break?" Tim cut in, patting around each of his pockets for a cigarette and his lighter, "Because if so, you've already said that, like, three takes ago." He added, sticking the cigarette in his mouth and starting to light it. Alex gave him a hard glare, and the arguing began again.

Tim and Alex never really liked each other, Brian noted.. Alex cut into the middle of them arguing, "OKAY, okay! We'll take this last shot, and if it's still not right, then we'll try again tomorrow." He stated, crossing his arms and looking at Tim, "Does that work for you, sir?" Tim rolled his eyes, "Whatever makes it quicker."

Brian let out a hard, nasty sounding cough into his hand, pressing it against his mouth to muffle it slightly and keep it to himself mostly, he got a few glances from the others, Seth piping up, "You good?" Brian nodded, "Yeah, it's just the cold, I'm fine." He waved it off, he never told the others about his asthma problems, never had a reason too, especially considering how he took up this role in Alex's film, even more of a reason to keep it on the down low now.

Seth, seemingly content with the answer, shrugged and dropped it, Brian let out a low sigh, just one more shot, nothing to worry about after that.

he never brought his inhaler.

Back at point A, Brian watched for Alex's 'go' sign before he started running, it gave Brian some time to breathe, he looked back up when Alex honked, gave the thumbs up and started to drive slowly, Seth looked tired of being on the roof, Jay and Tim looked tired of holding Seth, Brian didn't blame them.

Brian inhaled deeply before starting with that same old slow jog that soon turned into a run, it was told to him he soon needed to break into a sprint too, god Brian's lungs felt like they could collapse at any minute, his ribs felt like they were being squeezed and his chest felt like it held something heavy on it, something he couldn't easily remove.

Brian's vision started to feel hazy, he started to break into the sprint, but it was only halfway into it before he did collapse, wheezing and inhaling deeply and quickly, in a panicked manner, it always scared him when he got like this. He heard Seth yell and hit the roof with his foot, something he was told to do if something was wrong. He could also hear Jay and Tim yelling, then the screech of tires.

Three doors slammed shut as four pairs of footsteps made their way to Brian, quickly, running maybe. Brian tried to push himself up, but to no avail, he hit the ground again, when he had first gone down, he hit hard. His chin had started bleeding and he skinned his hands pretty badly, nothing that would leave a scar, but still. It was rough.

For a bit, he just laid on his chest, breathing rapidly and still sounding like he was hacking up a lung, he felt a hand being placed in the middle of his shoulder blades, rubbing slowly and occasionally patting, trying to help, Brian assumed. It felt like Jay's hand, bony, long fingers.

Tim crouched in front of him, Alex stood off to the side with Seth, waiting for the 'ok' from either him or Jay for the pair to help Brian to his feet, Brian had to squint to see the road in front of him and Tim's huge black boots. He blinked a few times to clear his clogging vision and tried to sit up onto his knees again, Alex and Seth were there to assist him into sitting on his knees, the brown haired man wiped at the dripping blood at his chin.

His chest still felt like someone was pushing hard against it, he coughed into his hand a few more times with that same, nasty cough, he was glad this was an old, empty and abandoned street. 

Apparently he had been asked a few questions, but his hearing was only now coming back and their voices just now started cutting through to him. "..wha- huh?" He looked up, his breathing slowing and coming back to a regular breathing type, Alex's hand on one of his shoulders, with Seth's on the other, Tim's hand on Brian's forehead, "I said, are you okay? You sick or somethin' bud?"

Brian brought his hand up next to Tim's to feel his head, he felt like a normal temperature, Seth gave Brian a hard look, "'Just the cold', huh?" He huffed, Brian went to say something, but Seth stopped him; "Brian, why didn't you tell us you had asthma?" It was a stern question, concerned for him.

Brian was quiet before shrugging sheepishly, pushing himself to his feet shakily, gaining some help from the other two, "I just... never saw a reason to bring it up? I don't know," He answered silently, wiping at his chin again. Alex stared at him with that hard, rock-eyed stare while Seth just sighed, "Alright, well, I still need this shot.. BUT, we're taking a break before we carry on. We don't need you collapsing and having this issue again," Alex placed his hands on his hips, Brian seemed sturdy enough now.

The five made their way over to a nearby bench, all of them deciding to hang around there, Tim with the cigarette hanging from his lips, Jay going over the camera footage with Seth, and Alex sitting on the bench, on his phone. Probably texting Amy and saying he would be home a bit late. Brian took a tree and leaned against it. It was cloudy out, and it started raining, Alex looked up and his face lit, seems like all he needed was the right setting...

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