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(originally deleted due to mess up, saved from AO3)

The pair had been out for a while, trying to keep under the radar while also tracking their latest victim; it had been two days, maybe more at this point. However long it had been, the two were both very tired, and were ready to give up the chase.

At least, Masky was. Hoodie knew there was a job that had to be done, and they were going to get it done. The sun was beginning to set behind the trees, creating a golden glow upon the soft earth underfoot.

The two had been arguing for a little while now; Masky had been wanting to be violent towards the victim, drag it out a bit. Make it worthwhile. Hoodie, however, just wanted to get the job done and over with, go home after being out for two days.

"Oh come on, Hoods!" Masky groaned as Hoodie, once again, turned him down, "No, Masky. We are only out here to get one thing done. And one thing only! AND, that ONE THING, is NOT for you to play around with the victim! All we need to do, is kill him, hide the evidence, then get OUT OF HERE!"

"God- Hoodie come on! He's been avoiding us for too long! And I'm bored and tired with it!" Masky groaned again, stopping to look at the back of Hoodie's head, the other masked man turned to look at his companion, "At least let me have this! Just once!"

"Oh, for the love of Christ- No!" Hoodie barked, crossing his arms as he stared at Masky, who just stood there watching him, "We aren't dragging this out any longer then this HAS to be!"

Masky was silent as he stared at Hoodie now, his thoughts unreadable through the mask, "..." "...why are you looking at me like that." Hoodie was getting a bit nervous now; God knows what Masky always had planned when he got like that... He lifted his mask to look at Masky better, he watched Masky move his own to the side as he started stepping towards him.

"Alright, you wanna play that game? We can play it," Masky murmured out, smirking as he watched Hoodie back away as he just got closer, "..Masky. Masky do not- mASKY-!" Hoodie yelped as he was full body tackled by the shorter man.

The two rolled around in the dirt for a bit, both of their masks having fallen off their face by now; once the two had stopped rolling around, Masky was atop Hoodie, Hoodie was pushing Masky's arms back up before the man tore them back then pinned Hoodie's arms to his sides, Masky then grinned.

See, Hoodie was much taller than Masky, and under any other circumstance, could easily overpower him. But Masky had more strength than he did, so he had him pinned without struggle, though Hoodie did try to wiggle out of Masky's grasp, "Let go of me! I'm not playing this game with you!" He barked, Masky just grinned as he sat on Hoodie's waist, trapping him more.

"Y'know, it's kinda funny. You act high and mighty, tough." Masky began, watching as Hoodie continued to fight in Masky's hands, "But yet, here you are, stuck underneath me having a hard time escaping." He chuckled, leaning down to Hoodie's face and getting close to his ear, "I have total control right now." He mumbled out in a low whisper.

Masky couldn't help but laugh slightly when he felt Hoodie tense below him, "Masky don't you dare-", it was always so amusing to Masky, Hoodie's reactions whenever he did this, the sound of his breath catching in his throat cause he always knew what came next, "What? I haven't even done anything!...yet," "YET."

Masky pulled away from his partner's ear and rested his forehead on Hoodie's their noses touching, "See? Not doing anything. Not yet, at least." He grinned with that same grin he always had whenever he had cornered Hoodie, Hoodie's eyes just narrowed, "I don't trust you."

This caused Masky to sit up and shrug, "Oh well, I tried to tell you I wasn't doin' anythin' yet." He hummed, he looked down at Hoodie with that smirk again; and before Hoodie could say anything, Masky dipped down back to Hoodie's ear and (gently) grabbed it with his teeth. Not hard enough to where any pain would be felt, but where Hoodie would know there were teeth there.

Hoodie inhaled sharply through his teeth, his breath catching again as his legs went from laying flat on the ground, to being pulled up to Masky's backside and his knees hitting together and his hands balled into fists. Masky chuckled, grinning again when he felt Hoodie squirm at the hot air that hit against his ear. Masky continued to go about carefully chewing on Hoodie's ear for a bit before pulling back from it, amused with the way Hoodie's face had flushed a good red shade; he proceeded to blow cool air into the man below him's ear and laughed when said man let out a yelp noise, his red face darkening.

"God, you're such a- such- such a-!" Hoodie fumbled with his words, not being able to find the right one. Masky just mischievously smiled, he loosened his grip on Hoodie's arms and pulled him up into a sitting position, holding his chin in his hand. "Such a what, Hoods?" His voice was a teasing tone, Hoodie's face scrunched up into one of embarrassment and frustration. "...I hate you." Hoodie angrily mumbled out, crossing his arms again; Masky just made a mixed noise of a hum and a chuckle, leaving a quick kiss on Hoodie's neck, cheek and then standing off his partner's waist, "I love you, too." He pulled Hoodie to his feet and grabbed their masks from the ground.

Hoodie was about to say something but stopped when he heard heavy, crunching boots in the bushes, their victim. The pair looked at each other, scrambled to slip their masks on, and the chase was on again.

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