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(in which brian is sick, au where the operator was beaten, brian is just now getting over the effects. part one?)

It was three in the morning, four? He didn't know, couldn't tell through his teary eyes, all he knew was that he was once in bed, scalding hot, yet he felt so cold. He didn't think it was a fever, or maybe it was, hard to tell.

Maybe it was something he ate? Gas station food usually is never good for you.. something he drank? He cursed himself for giving in and drinking the milk Jay had bought. Maybe that ti-.. no, it would've been worse. God his head was killing him, he couldn't think straight. He usually never could think right when he was staying still, maybe that's why he lost so much sleep at night, maybe that was also a possibility of his sickness? His sleep wasn't the best.

He tried to stand up to pace, but immediately had his head hunched over the seat, hurling up whatever he had left in his stomach, he let out a whimper. Didn't help he was sitting in the dark, one of the things he really hated. He could stand it for a while but he had been here too long now and wanted to go back to bed, curl back into the other man's side who shared the bed with him.

He  was cold and missed the warmth of the other's presence..

The room spun for a moment as he rested his head on the seat again, closing his eyes and giving a weak, pathetic sigh. His eyes only opened again when he heard the click of the light switch, he looked up. Speak of the man himself.

"Brian?" Came Jay's sleep filled voice, the man rubbing at his pale blue eyes, "Are you oka-" His question was immediately answered when Brian dove his face in again and gripped the sides tighter, his knuckles turning white as he made horrendous sounds.. Jay frowned as he quickly stepped over to the man on his knees and rubbed at his back, murmuring soft, comforting words.

Brian let out another whimper, his frame shaking, "Can you stand yet?" Jay asked him, Brian didn't respond as he tried to push himself to his feet, with success, this time. He coughed roughly and rather grossly into his hand, Jay had a hand on Brian's shoulder, with the other on his back, "Wanna brush your teeth, or rinse your mouth? Do something to get that awful taste from your mouth?" He asked softly, Brian considered it before shaking his head, scared it would just make it all worse...

Jay nodded as he quietly led him back to the bedroom, slowing and stopping whenever Brian would stumble, "Easy now.. easy.." He hushed in that soft, sweet coo. Brian found comfort in it and grabbed onto Jay's wrist, the man in question flinching a bit at the sudden motion of Brian's hand, but nothing else.

They made their way back to the bedroom and Jay led Brian into the bed, Brian laid down with distant, tired eyes. Panting through his open mouth, he seemed hot. Jay frowned, and felt his forehead, normal temp.. Brian's hands shook at his chest, trying to lift up, to his face? To hug himself? Jay didn't know the answer, but he knew what it usually meant; he sat next to Brian, setting the man's head in his lap, "Hey, hey. You're okay, it's alright. It's gonna pass, you're gonna be okay." "J--Jaa--y.." Brian whimpered out, feeling pathetic again, Jay put his hands in between both of Brian's, and the man clung like his life depended on it, "It's alright, Bri.. I'm here and not going anywhere, you're okay. You're okay.." He murmured.

But Brian couldn't hear him.

His ears were filled with static, ugly, horrible ringing sounds and the sound of something scratching. In his skull? Just in his own imagination? Or was it real? Could Jay hear it too? Too many questions, no answers, spinning room. Weak whine, a squeeze to his hand.

The low rumble of a car went by the window, Brian curled into himself, his face hiding slightly in Jay's calf, Jay began running his hand through Brian's hair, he knew that was usually a comfort for him, the brown haired man in his lap just looked miserable. But he knew how bad the side effects could be... Nothing he could do about it.

"hff.. hff- hff hff hFFHFFHFHFF-" Brian's breathing increased, as did his shaking, Jay rubbed his back, "Shh.. shh hh h.." He shushed, "I know, I know.. please try to relax." And Brian stopped shaking for a second, getting control of his breathing again before trembling lightly, "it-- it hurts--" He choked out, "I know.." Jay turned on the dim lamp by their bedside, Brian seemed to relax at it.

"Please try to get some sleep, I know it hurts, but you'll be okay in the morning--" "no-- no no nono--" Brian cried, not looking up at Jay, he didn't want to face the nightmares again, not again-- "Hey, it's okay. I'll be right here with you all night, okay? It's okay, you're okay." Jay started scooting himself down, Brian tensed before his head was placed on Jay's chest, lips placed to the top of his head, in his hair. A hand still rubbing his back, Brian gulped down a breath.


"i'm sorry." "Bria-" "no-- i'm just... i'm sorry." "Why?"

A sniffle, "Be-- because when it-- when it came down to it, you- you didn't react like this- not like how I am-- making-" Another gulp of air, "making a-- a scene.." Brian was.. correct, in a sense. Jay didn't have nearly as bad as a reaction to this, but, then again, he knew Brian hated, hated feeling vulnerable like this. He also wasn't stuck as long as Brian-- or Tim, or even Alex, for that matter-- was, "Brian, don't worry. Don't apologize, it's alright." "But it's all I can do, Jay-- it's not.. it doesn't.." The man tried to begin trembling again before Jay he;d him with sturdy hands, "Listen, it's okay. I know that doesn't make much of a difference, nor.. does it fix what happened, what is currently happening, and what will happen in the future. You're okay, okay? I'll make sure of it."

Just gentle breathing, the occasional hiccup, "I've got you, I'll be here, all the way til morning." Jay murmured, running his hands through Brian's hair, "I don't.. don't want.." Brian drowsily mumbled, Jay shushed him, and he fell asleep without anymore problems.

Jay was okay. Brian was gonna be okay.

They're okay for another day, tomorrow is a new day, and is just on the horizon.

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