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(request from my tumblr page, the only kind of "smexy time" y'all are ever gonna get. take it as you will)

In the light of the setting sun, two men sat on the quiet, dull living room, quietly enjoying each other's presence. One dressed in the usual red flannel, unbuttoned in the warm room, while the other one just sat in his light clothing of a tee shirt and jeans. Ripped at the knees.

The one in the light shirt scrolled through his phone mindlessly, whilst the other casually spent his time delving into a book, loosing himself in the walls of words upon words. All up until he shuffled out of the room to get something from the kitchen, either to drink or eat.

Brian didn't really notice, until the cool air suddenly hit his hand, he looked down to realize that it had been emptied and he placed it on his waist. Carrying on with his scrolling; he almost missed Tim's feet shuffling back across the carpet, but the sound of something being placed down on the table caught his attention enough for him too look up to the man who was now leaning on the back of the sofa.

Brian grinned, "Evening." He hummed, giving a content sigh when he felt Tim's lips softly hit against his own in a warm kiss. "Hey, Sunflower." Tim murmured, smiling at Brian's reaction to the name. Brian looked back down to his phone and carried on with going mindlessly through posts.

Tim rested his head next to Brian's, looking at him from the corner of his eyes, God he loved this man. He loved every little thing about him, the way his eyes lit up when he smiled, the utter softness of his laughter, the way Tim could make his face light up in red shades of all sorts, without even trying that much.

Tim loved that this man was his, he leaned up and began to kiss at Brian's cheek, feeling the lighter haired man begin to smile at the sensation. Brian turned his head to kiss the man back, and from there it turned much more passionate.

It was one of those kisses you wished could've kept going, the only downside was that oxygen did exist, and they still needed it. So, they pulled away, but that didn't stop Tim from placing the kisses elsewhere, say Brian's neck for example.

For a moment, Brian tensed, not realizing what was happening before it started happening. And that's where Brian just let Tim do his thing; kind of enjoying the way it felt. Tim recognized this and continued, taking in the small breathy noises Brian made on occasion. Soon enough, Tim's hand slipped down to one of Brian's inner thighs, which made the man tense again before taking control.

He grabbed Tim by the cheeks and pushed their lips together, Tim was taken aback for a moment, but gratefully allowed Brian to do whatever it is he was doing. The two pulled back, both having a mischievous look to their eyes.

"Y'know, I was gettin' kinda hungry.." Tim purred, resting his forehead on Brian's, his face still in the man's hands, Brian grinned, "Well, you know where to find me if you ever want seconds." He murmured back.

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