Shot 3

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Come with another shot ❤ Hope you all will like ❤

At Night!

Swara sleep in sitting position holding Sanskar 's hand putting head on bed.

Suddenly Sanskar open eyes see Swara who is sleeping slowly pull her closer to him softly.  Swara also in sleep come close to him lay beside him hugging him tightly putting head on his chest.  A smile come on Sanskar 's face  see Swara deeply remembered how Swara stop him for drinking alcohol with right. The same right which always she shows on him earlier.  He remembered how he make him sleep strictly same way she always do before 6 months. He put hand on her hand which on bed looking at her deeply caress her face with his hand see tears marks on her face knowing she was crying. He caress it slightly soon sleep looking at her.


In SwaSan 's Room!

SwaSan are sleeping peacefully in each other's arm. Swara is wrapping arm around his waist while putting head on his chest. Sanskar wrapping arm around her shoulders.

Suddenly door knock sound listened but SwaSan are sleeping soundly didn't listened. Again knock sound come. Swara hide her face near his chest in irritation by continuous knock.  Sanskar open eyes by her movement see Swara who is trying to hide herself in him caress her face admire her.

Then make stone face make her sleep on pillow carefully get up from bed open door see Ramu kaka with lemon juice. ( It's his regular duty of giving Sanskar his lemon juice).

Sanskar take lemon juice from his hand. Ramu kaka go from there for his further work. He close door enter inside gulp lemon juice see Swara who is sleeping hugging pillow with smile thinking it Sanskar. Sanskar smile sadly seeing this then change himself in jogging clothes go for jogging.

After sometime!

Swara sleeping peacefully. Sun rays fall on her make her sleep disturb. She open eyes yawing cutely become shocked finding herself on bed. She remembered she slept in sitting position only then how she land on bed. Soon realised who must done this. A smile come on her face knowing Sanskar place her on bed. But soon her smile fade thinking something.

Swara : ( to herself) No! Swara It's wrong. Sanskar shouldn't care for me. It's not good for him. ( tears escape from her eyes which she wipe it).

Swara get up from bed go in washroom for freshen up. She come out wearing this. 


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